
Special Registration for Returning Campers

Welcome back, campers!

MoMath offers this special opportunity for our most loyal campers to return for another math-filled summer at a deeply discounted rate of $1,098 per session (regularly priced at $1,220 per session).  This Returning Campers discount will end at 11:59 am on Thursday, March 5, or when all specially reserved slots are no longer available, whichever happens first. 

Please note that this Special Registration discount is available exclusively to returning campers.  There will be absolutely no refunds nor retroactive discounts given for incorrect registrations.

Note: Register each child separately.

2020 Session Camp Theme Epsilons
(Grades 1–3)
(Grades 4–6)
(Grades 7–9)
Jun 29 – Jul 3 The Next Dimension (for Epsilons and Deltas only) Register Register N/A
Jul 6 – 10 From Caves to the Cosmos (for Epsilons and Deltas only) Register Register N/A
Jul 13 – 17 Crazy Curvature (for Deltas and Gammas only) N/A Register Register
Jul 20 – 24 Beautiful Symmetry (for Epsilons and Deltas only) Register Register N/A
Jul 27 – 31 The Math of Sports (for Epsilons and Deltas only) Register Register N/A
Aug 3 – 7 From Caves to the Cosmos (for Epsilons and Deltas only) Register Register N/A
Aug 10 – 14 Beautiful Symmetry (for Epsilons and Deltas only) Register Register N/A
Aug 17 – 21 The Math of Sports (for Epsilons and Deltas only) Register Register N/A
Aug 24 – 28 Crazy Curvature (for Deltas and Gammas only) N/A Register Register
Aug 31 – Sep 4 The Next Dimension (for Epsilons and Deltas only) Register Register N/A


Weekly Sessions

Camp sessions start on June 29, 2020, and run weekly through September 4, 2020, Mondays through Fridays.  Doors open daily at 9:00 am with regular dismissal at 3:00 pm.  Extended day options are available for pick-up at 4:00 pm or 5:00 pm.

Camp Themes

Transformations 2020 offers four inspiring, mathematical themes for rising 1st through 6th graders.

The Next Dimension: Picture a piece of paper: placed flat, it is a two-dimensional world, living within our three-dimensional space.  The paper can be used to cut through that space, or we can examine the shadows cast on it.  Can you imagine using our own space to explore the shadows of four dimensions?  Through hands-on activities, discover the mind-expanding concepts that mathematicians use to see spaces beyond our world.

From Caves to the Cosmos: Did you know that human mathematics dates back more than 40,000 years?  Journey from the dawn of mathematical thought to the first steps into the modern world, meeting fascinating characters along the way.  Ancient number systems, thrilling discoveries, and intrigue await!  Mathematics comes alive through the stories of mathematicians and their ideas across the ages.

Beautiful Symmetry: Art imitates life, and symmetry is fundamental to both.  Far from just mirror images, symmetry is a powerful mathematical construct that lends beauty and harmony to artistic creations.  From wallpaper to words to higher dimensions, students will explore the different types of symmetry, and create their own artistic masterpieces.  Come dive into the creative side of math!

The Math of Sports: Why are sports tournaments scheduled the way they are?  Why are basketball players interested in triangles?  How round is a soccer ball?  Why do cyclists care so much about gear ratios?  How do schedules, scores, luck, and skill determine winners?  With the 2020 Olympic Games happening this summer, come learn how mathematics helps us answer these and other sport-related questions.

Transformations 2020 offers one deep-diving, mathematical theme for rising 4th through 9th graders.

Crazy Curvature: Think of a curve moving around; it sometimes curls in tightly and sometimes bends gently.  This bending is called curvature.  Consider what this would mean for a surface, such as the surface of the earth, the hood of a car, or the top of a saddle on a horse.  These surfaces also bend, but now in multiple directions.  Learn how mathematicians took on the challenge of understanding the geometry of these surfaces; the results changed how we understand the universe itself!

Camper Sections

Campers will be divided into three sections for age- and grade-appropriate instruction:

Epsilons (for students entering 1st through 3rd grade in fall 2020)

Deltas (for students entering 4th through 6th grade in fall 2020)

Gammas (for students entering 7th through 9th grade in fall 2020)

Attentive camp counselors ensure fun while learning.  Our small section sizes encourage individualized instruction and allow opportunities for campers to explore and gain a deeper understanding of mathematics.

Registration Fees

Registration fees are $1,220 per one-week session, Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.  Extended day options are available at $150 per week for a 4:00 pm pick-up, and $300 per week for a 5:00 pm pick-up.  

Doors open for drop-off at 9:00 am.  All Epsilons and Deltas campers must be signed in and signed out by an adult; middle-school campers may check in and depart on their own with written parent permission (form required).  Dismissal is held at 3:00 pm (4:00 pm and 5:00 pm for those campers signed up for extended-day options).

Camp Policies

Strictly no refunds, no credits, and no transfers will be permitted.  Spots are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.  MoMath does not have a nurse or other medical professional on the premises.  Campers must wear closed-toe shoes to participate in camp activities.  Weather permitting, campers may spend some amount of time outdoors.  All registered campers must sign a photograph permission and release form.  MoMath adheres to a strict no-tipping policy.

Be sure to read all MoMath Camp Policies prior to registration.  

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Transformations unlike any other “math camp” program?  Why do Transformations camp sessions consistently sell out?  This year, the FAQs reveal (almost) everything you need to know.  Find answers to your burning questions here, and learn what makes MoMath’s high-quality summer camp uniquely fun and inspiring!

Financial Aid

Limited funding is available for students from low-income backgrounds who demonstrate a strong interest in mathematics.  To apply, students will need to submit an essay and teacher recommendation.  To qualify, families must meet the income guidelines of the federal free and reduced lunch program.  Applications accepted on a rolling basis.  Email for application instructions.