
September 3, 2010

Come to the MoMath booth at the NY Maker Faire to help build the Amazing Acrobat sculpture.

August 13, 2010

The Press of Manorville & The Moriches says the Math Midway in Farmingville has “turned the common conception of mathematics into a three-ringed circus of well-calculated fun.”

August 9, 2010

Mathematician Keith Devlin mentions MoMath in his monthly Mathematical Association of America column.

July 17, 2010

Former “Happy Days” TV star Donny Most (Ralph Malph) is a Museum of Mathematics enthusiast! Most, host of the July 17 “Doo Wop Rocks” concert in Farmingville, NY, posed proudly with his new MoMath T-shirt backstage. Also during the concert, MoMath’s Glen Whitney and Cindy Lawrence appeared on stage to announce the opening of the […]

July 9, 2010

Don’t miss your last chance to see the Math Midway traveling exhibition before it leaves the East Coast! Catch the Midway at the Gallery on the Hill in Farmingville, NY from July 17 through September 21, 2010. The Math Midway will be available by appointment only during the week, except for our free public day on Sunday, August 15 […]

June 9, 2010

Missed us at the World Science Festival Street Fair? Well, it’s not too late! Visit our Math Midway traveling exhibition from June 11 through July 6, 2010 at the Ward Melville Heritage Organization (WMHO) Educational and Cultural Center, in historic Stony Brook, NY. This is the last east coast venue for the Midway in 2010.

June 3, 2010

Catch our traveling exhibition, the Math Midway, at the World Science Festival Street Fair on Sunday, June 6 at Washington Square Park in Manhattan. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience this hands-on, interactive exhibition of the wonders of mathematics.

June 1, 2010

The Museum of Mathematics has expanded again! Walter Dawkins, a journalist with experience in both the newspaper business and the music industry, joined the MoMath team last month in a public relations, marketing, and external communications capacity. And Josh Brandoff, a systems innovator specializing in biologically-inspired design principles, has become the Museum’s resident IT expert […]