Volumes, the MoMath book club

Love mathematics and books?  Looking for a stimulating and fun discussion?  Volumes, the MoMath book club, is just the thing for you.  This reading group is designed especially for those interested in mathematics and science and how they affect our lives.  No prior math or science background is necessary.

Next Up

A discussion of

A Russian Childhood
by Sofya Kovalevskaya

Hosted by Ingrid Daubechies
with guest Sandy DeLozier Coleman

Monday, August 5
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm ET


Join MoMath's Distinguished Visiting Professor Ingrid Daubechies as she welcomes Sandy DeLozier Coleman for an engaging conversation about the book, A Russian Childhood by Sofya Kovalevskaya.

In 1889, Sofya was appointed a full professor of mathematics at the University of Stockholm — the first woman in modern times to hold such a position.  In A Russian Childhood, Sofya recounts her recollections of growing up in mid-nineteenth century Russia.  Reading the book is encouraged, but not mandatory for attendance.


Looking for the MoMath book club designed specially for tweens and teens (ages 10–17)?  Check out tweenprimes.momath.org!


Searching for in a reading list designed especially for those interested in mathematics and science?  Check out prior Volumes selections!