Recording of "Meet a Mathematician": Maria Klawe — January 29, 2024

Recording of Meet a Mathematician with
Maria Klawe

This is a recording of a live-streamed event that took place on Monday, January 29, 2024.

Appropriate for all ages.


Did you ever wonder what a mathematician does all day?  Or what made someone decide to become a mathematician?  Or even, what a mathematician does for fun?  You may be surprised by some of the answers! 

Join Ingrid Daubechies, MoMath’s 2023–2024 Distinguished Visiting Professor for the Public Dissemination of Mathematics, as she welcomes mathematicians to the MoMath stage to share their experiences, their story, and their love of mathematics.

Maria Klawe obtained her Ph.D. in mathematics in 1977 from the University in Alberta; she switched soon afterward to Computer Science, then still a fledgling academic field (not yet the juggernaut we know today).  From 2005 to last summer, she was the fifth President of Harvey Mudd College, which during her tenure became one of the most diverse four-year universities in the United States.  She recently moved to New York City, where she has just taken over the helm of Math for America.

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