Upcoming Events at MoMath

Note: Through August, MoMath will close at 2:30 pm ET (New York) on the second Wednesday of the month for Math Encounters.

MoMath at a Glance

Click here to book a K–12 field trip, available online, on your campus, or at the Museum!
Click here to book MM2Go and bring MoMath exhibits to your school.
(Sponsorships available for Title I schools.)

All times are in Eastern Time (New York).

Click here for a printable version.

MoMath is open but may occasionally limit access as needed.
Please check the home page for the most up-to-date information.


Celebrate MoMath’s 10th birthday!  Donate to MoMath in powers of ten (dimes, ten dollars, one hundred dollars, etc.) to celebrate ten years of MoMath — in person at Additions, the shop at MoMath, or online.
Traces, revealing the stunning hidden patterns of moving objects, in Composite, the gallery at MoMath (in person)
PuzzleTime with MoMath and MathPickle — a puzzle series for students through adults (online)
Math on the House — sign up to be notified when free, last-minute seats become available for select events
Senior Sessions, educator-led sessions for mature adults (online)
Free Mind-Benders for the Quarantined!, weekly mathematical puzzles from MoMath’s puzzle master, Dr. Peter Winkler
MathPlay, MoMath’s program for preschoolers (in person)
MoMath Online: Student Sessions, educator-led sessions for students in grades pre-K to 12 exploring math from home (online)
Math Discovery, educator-led sessions for students and their families/caregivers, hosted at the Museum (in person)
Derivatives, MoMath’s tour program (in person)

Apply now

Expansions, the gifted program at MoMath for students in first grade through high school (in person)
The Rosenthal Prize for Innovation and Inspiration in Math Teaching: win 25K! (application deadline May 15)
The Rosenthal Prize Summer Institute: learn about past prize-winning lessons and prepare to apply for the prize in 2023 in this expense-paid NYC seminar program (application deadline May 15)
School and group visits: in-Museum or online visits to MoMath for students, educators, and groups (in person/online)
Free field trips for Title I schools: apply today for a sponsored field trip benefiting your Title I school (in person/online)
Free visits from Math Midway 2 Go for Title I schools: apply today to bring this engaging math exhibition to your school (in person)
Free educator sessions at your school: apply today to invite one of MoMath’s expert educators to bring the joy of math directly to your Title I school (in person)
Integrators, the MoMath high school volunteer program: apply now for summer 2022 (in person)
Fri, May 6 3:15 pm Student Sessions: “Prime Time” (for grades 1–3) (online)
Fri, May 6 4:15 pm Math Discovery: “Shape Shifters” (for grades pre-K–2) (in person)
Fri, May 6 4:30 pm Folding Fridays — learn to fold unique origami designs: “Lamb” by Tony O’Hare (online)
Sat, May 7 4:00 pm Math Discovery: “Secrets of Telling Secrets” (for grades 3–6) (in person)
Sun, May 8 2:00 pm Bridge Basics 2: the Play of the Hand, final session of an eight-week course (online)
Mon, May 9 4:00 pm Student Sessions: “Tangram Teasers” (for grades K–3) (online)
Tue, May 10 2:00 pm Senior Sessions: “Luck, Magic, or Math?” (online)
Tue, May 10 3:00 pm Student Sessions: “Math in the Corner Pocket” (for grades 3–6) (online)
Tue, May 10 4:00 pm Loving Math — stories, games, and laughter in a hilariously fun children’s series (for grades K–3) (online)
Wed, May 11 4:00 pm
7:00 pm
Free Math Encounters: “Play Truchet: fun with tiling patterns and generalizations” featuring David Reimann (in person/online)
Wed, May 11 4:15 pm Student Sessions: “Chessboards and Dominoes” (for grades 6–10) (online)
Thu, May 12 3:00 pm Student Sessions: “Discovering Polyominoes” (for grades K–3) (online)
Fri, May 13 2:00 pm Senior Sessions: “Vote Counts: Ranking and Tanking” (online)
Fri, May 13 3:15 pm Student Sessions: “Points and Shapes” (for grades 2–5) (online)
Fri, May 13 4:15 pm Math Discovery: “Tessellation Station” (for grades K–2) (in person)
Fri, May 13 4:30 pm Folding Fridays — learn to fold unique origami designs: “Magic Rose Cube” by Valerie Vann (online)
Sat, May 14 3:00 pm Krazy Kahoot, a fast-paced family quiz game with Steve Sherman (online)
Sat, May 14 4:00 pm Math Discovery: “Möbius Madness” (for grades 3–6) (in person)
Sun, May 15 5:30 pm Tween Primes, the MoMath book club for teens and tweens: Strange Attractors by Charles Soule (online)
Sun, May 15 6:30 pm Unlimited, MoMath’s mix-n-mingle program for students in middle and high school (online)
Mon, May 16 2:00 pm Senior Sessions: “Möbius Mischief” (online)
Tue, May 17 4:00 pm Loving Math — stories, games, and laughter in a hilariously fun children’s series (for grades K–3) (online)
Tue, May 17 7:00 pm QED: Pitfalls for Parents (online)
Wed, May 18 3:30 pm Free Math Gym, a workout for your brain (online)
Wed, May 18 6:30 pm Volumes, the MoMath book club: a discussion of The Puzzler: One Man’s Quest to Solve the Most Baffling Puzzles Ever, from Crosswords to Jigsaws to the Meaning of Life by A.J. Jacobs (online)
Thu, May 19 2:00 pm Free-to-members Senior Sessions: “Roping Around the World” (online)
Thu, May 19 4:00 pm Ask a Mathematician — Anything! with Steven Strogatz (online)
Fri, May 20 4:30 pm Folding Fridays — learn to fold unique origami designs: “Pig” by Eduardo Clemente (online)
Fri, May 20 6:30 pm Free Family Fridays: “Tooti Tooti” with Chaim Goodman-Strauss (in person/online)
Mon, May 23 7:00 pm Starring Math — discussion of the film Secrets of the Surface: The Mathematical Vision of Maryam Mirzakhani, hosted by Steven Strogatz with filmmaker George Csicsery, math and science writer Erica Klarreich, and math professor Amie Wilkinson (online)
Tue, May 24 2:00 pm Senior Sessions: “Vote Counts: Packing and Cracking” (online)
Tue, May 24 4:00 pm Loving Math — stories, games, and laughter in a hilariously fun children’s series (for grades K–3) (online)
Thu, May 26 4:00 pm Meet a Mathematician featuring Talithia Williams; hosted by Steven Strogatz (online)
Thu, May 26 6:00 pm Educator Workshop: “Pandemic Statistics for Students: Correcting some misconceptions related to COVID-19 and vaccines” (online)
Fri, May 27 2:00 pm Senior Sessions: “Math in the Corner Pocket” (online)
Fri, May 27 4:30 pm Folding Fridays — learn to fold unique origami designs: “Butterfly Envelope” by Michel Grand (online)
Fri, May 27 7:00 pm Equilibrium, MoMath’s adult evening of mathematical games (online)
Tue, May 31 2:00 pm Senior Sessions: “Breaking Codes” (online)
Tue, May 31 4:00 pm Loving Math — stories, games, and laughter in a hilariously fun children’s series (for grades K–3) (online)
Fri, Jun 3 4:30 pm Folding Fridays — learn to fold unique origami designs (online)
Mon, Jun 6 8:30 am 2022 Con Edison MoMathlon middle school math tournament (online)
Tue, Jun 7 4:00 pm Loving Math — stories, games, and laughter in a hilariously fun children’s series (for grades K–3) (online)
Wed, Jun 8 4:00 pm
7:00 pm
Free Math Encounters: “Mission to Mars: human mission challenges and the math that addresses them” featuring Kevin Bowman (in person/online)
Thu, Jun 9 2:00 pm Senior Sessions: “Vote Counts: Tower of Power” (online)
Fri, Jun 10 4:30 pm Folding Fridays — learn to fold unique origami designs (online)
Fri, Jun 10 6:30 pm Free Family Fridays: “Tetragami Tower: An evening of creative design” with Peter Hubbard (in person/online)
Sat, Jun 11 3:00 pm Free-to-members Krazy Kahoot, a fast-paced family quiz game with Steve Sherman (online)
Mon, Jun 13 2:00 pm Senior Sessions: “Math in Art: Tessellations I” (online)
Mon, Jun 13 8:00 pm Infinite Powers: The story of calculus featuring Steven Strogatz (in person/online)
Tue, Jun 14 4:00 pm Loving Math — stories, games, and laughter in a hilariously fun children’s series (for grades K–3) (online)
Tue, Jun 14 7:00 pm QED: Pitfalls for Parents (online)
Tue, Jun 14 7:00 pm Probability and Intuition: an exclusive, puzzle-focused dinner event (in person)
Wed, Jun 15 3:30 pm Free Math Gym, a workout for your brain (online)
Wed, Jun 15 6:30 pm Volumes, the MoMath book club: a discussion of Journey to the Edge of Reason by Stephen Budiansky (online)
Thu, Jun 16 4:00 pm Ask a Mathematician — Anything! with Steven Strogatz (online)
Fri, Jun 17 4:30 pm Folding Fridays — learn to fold unique origami designs (online)
Sun, Jun 19 5:30 pm Tween Primes, the MoMath book club for teens and tweens: The Complete Book of Holograms: How They Work and How to Make Them by Joseph E. Kasper and Steven A. Feller (online)
Sun, Jun 19 6:30 pm Unlimited, MoMath’s mix-n-mingle program for students in middle and high school (online)
Mon, Jun 20 6:00 pm Members-only Let’s Get Pickled! Join Gordon Hamilton (“Gord!”) for an evening of intellectual challenge (online)
Tue, Jun 21 4:00 pm Loving Math — stories, games, and laughter in a hilariously fun children’s series (for grades K–3) (online)
Fri, Jun 24 2:00 pm Senior Sessions: “Topological Tic-Tac-Toe” (online)
Fri, Jun 24 4:30 pm Folding Fridays — learn to fold unique origami designs (online)
Fri, Jun 24 7:00 pm Free-to-members Equilibrium, MoMath’s adult evening of mathematical games (online)
Mon, Jun 27 to Fri, Sep 2 9:00 am to 3:00 pm 2022 Transformations, the summer camp at MoMath for rising 1st to 9th graders (in person)
Tue, Jun 28 2:00 pm Senior Sessions: “Cryptarithmetic” (online)
Tue, Jun 28 4:00 pm Loving Math — stories, games, and laughter in a hilariously fun children’s series (for grades K–3) (online)
Wed, Jun 29 7:00 pm Starring Math — discussion of the film Beautiful Young Minds, hosted by Steven Strogatz (online)
Thu, Jun 30 4:00 pm Meet a Mathematician featuring Angela Tabiri; hosted by Steven Strogatz (online)
Fri, Jul 1 4:30 pm Folding Fridays — learn to fold unique origami designs (online)
Fri, Jul 8 4:30 pm Folding Fridays — learn to fold unique origami designs (online)
Sat, Jul 9 3:00 pm Krazy Kahoot, a fast-paced family quiz game with Steve Sherman (online)
Wed, Jul 13 4:00 pm
7:00 pm
Free Math Encounters: “Error-Correcting Codes: The Mathematics of Communication” featuring Nathan Kaplan (in person/online)
Thu, Jul 21 to Sat, Jul 23 TBD The Rosenthal Prize Summer Institute: learn about past prize-winning lessons and prepare to apply for the prize in 2023 in this expense-paid NYC seminar program (application deadline May 15) (in person)
Sun, Aug 7 to Tue, Aug 9   MOVES, The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects — MoMath’s fifth biennial conference, this year featuring the math of puzzles (in person)
Wed, Aug 31 to Fri, Sep 2 TBD MATRIX x IMAGINARY Conference — Meet us in Paris! (in person)

Apply Now

Expansions: an afternoon enrichment program for gifted math students (in person)
Reinvent math class with Expansions, MoMath’s afternoon gifted program.  Featuring programs for math-loving students enrolled in first through twelfth grades, Expansions workshops are designed and delivered by MoMath’s educational team to illuminate the wonders of mathematics, challenge and inspire students, and broaden their mathematical horizons.  With topics ranging from fractals to cellular automata, these afternoon classes provide an opportunity for participants to learn advanced and fascinating topics not included in the standard K–12 curriculum.  Plus, students can benefit from enjoying math together in small groups of talented and focused young scholars.  MoMath is currently accepting applications for limited spots in the remainder of the 2021–2022 school year; students who apply now will also be considered for the 2022–2023 school year.  To learn more and apply, visit expansions.momath.org.

The Rosenthal Prize for Innovation and Inspiration in Math Teaching
Accepting applications through May 15

Designed to recognize and promote hands-on math teaching in upper elementary and middle school classrooms, the Rosenthal Prize carries a cash award of $25,000 for the single best activity, plus up to five additional monetary awards for other innovative activities.  The winning teacher(s) will have the opportunity to share their innovative activities with educators around the world.  To learn more and submit an entry, visit rosenthalprize.momath.org.

The Rosenthal Prize Summer Institute for educators
Accepting applications through May 15
Are you an educator who believes that curiosity, inquiry, and experiment are essential parts of learning mathematics?  Are you interested in teaching engaging, hands-on lessons that leave middle grade students excited and interested in learning more mathematics?  Are you committed to deepening your understanding and use of innovations in mathematics, instructional practices, and mathematics outreach?  This summer, the National Museum of Mathematics is looking for you!  MoMath will bring together a cohort of educators to take an in-depth look at the mathematical content and pedagogy of Rosenthal Prize lessons and see how the lessons connect to national standards for the learning of mathematics, develop plans to implement these lessons in their local schools, create ideas for new lessons inspired by the goals of the Rosenthal Prize, learn new ways to promote mathematics learning in schools and communities, experience the wonders of the Museum, and see what goes into making interactive math exhibits and programs.  Selected educators will meet in NYC for three days this summer; travel and hotel expenses will be covered!  For more information and to apply, visit rosenthalinstitute.momath.org.

School and group visits (in person/online)
MoMath has almost two dozen great student programs, from constructing polygons to creating Möbius strips, for school groups visiting the Museum, in person and online.  Bring your students to MoMath for a peek into the exciting world of mathematics, and see why students and teachers of all ages love the Museum.  And as an additional flexible option, educators can bring MoMath activities and exhibits to your campus!  Learn more and register at fieldtrips.momath.org.

Free field trips for Title I schools (in person/online)
Support for Title I school trips is now available, thanks to contributions from individuals and organizations, including: Akamai Foundation, Inc.; Con Edison; Judy Gibbons and Francesco Scattone; The Scripps Family Fund for Education and the Arts; Two Sigma; Mark Levine, the 28th Borough President of Manhattan; and New York City Councilwoman Carlina Rivera (2nd District).  This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.  To apply for a free trip (online, in person, or on your own campus) during the 2021–2022 school year, visit titleone.momath.org.  Interested in sponsoring a field trip?  Email donation@momath.org.

Ongoing Programs

Visit MoMath
Admission tickets to visit MoMath in person are on sale at visit.momath.org.  Members receive free unlimited admission and free access to many recorded events.  (Not a member?  Join today!)  Please note that MoMath is watching the health situation carefully and may limit access as needed.  Vaccinations and masking are still required at MoMath; visit the home page for the most up-to-date information.

Birthday parties (in person or online!)
Looking to host a one-of-a-kind birthday party full of fabulous mathematical fun?  Invite your guests to MoMath for unique party activities and games, plus a chance to explore more than 40 engaging exhibits!  From captivating constructions to scintillating scavenger hunts, enjoy exceptional experiences for birthday celebrants of all ages.  Can your hands race as fast as your minds?  With your choice of customized activities, parties can be personalized for all ages of birthday boys and girls — from children through adults, from simple to complicated.  Not in town?  Check out MoMath’s origami birthday parties, available exclusively online — you and your guests can learn the wondrous art of paper folding from an origami expert!  For more information, please email birthdays@momath.org.

Traces in Composite, the gallery at MoMath (in person)
Traces reveals the hidden patterns created as objects move through space: the pathways of birds in flight, the oars of a kayaker on a still lake, or even the drumsticks of a jazz percussionist.  Sometimes periodic but always organized, the traces of these movements — revealed by the technologically savvy artists in this exhibit — are as intriguing as they are beautiful.  Take in the stunning visuals, explore the underlying mathematics of the artwork, and manipulate interactive exhibits to create your own unique light traces.  Traces features the work of Xavi Bou, Will Calhoun, and Stephen Orlando.  Learn more at composite.momath.org.

PuzzleTime with MoMath and MathPickle — a puzzle series for students through adults (online)
Mondays through Thursdays at 8:00 pm ET (New York)

Join puzzle master and board game designer Gord! (Dr. Gordon Hamilton) for an exciting puzzle series designed for all!  Each day of the week, the puzzles will grow progressively harder, starting on Mondays with puzzles for ages 7 to 97 and building up to ages 10 to 100 by Thursdays.  Both cute and deep, these classes are fun, inspiring, and social, and each class stands alone, so you can join any session!  Learn more and register at puzzletime.momath.org.

MoMath comes to YOU!  Visit MoMath without leaving your school campus — limited bookings available (in person)
Students and educators, are you ready for a field trip but not able to leave campus just yet?  Let MoMath come to you!  MoMath’s fully vaccinated, classroom-experienced educators can bring MoMath’s unique blend of enriching math activities and/or hands-on MM2GO exhibits to your campus.  Learn more and book your in-school MoMath workshop today at fieldtrips.momath.org.  Free visits for Title I schools available — see above or visit titleone.momath.org!

Senior Sessions (online)
Exercise your mental muscles in 45-minute math sessions!  Join MoMath’s experienced presenters for intriguing classes on a variety of stimulating topics, including topology, puzzles, and cryptography.  Enjoy the sense of discovery and challenge in these engaging, interactive activities with a collegial cohort of mature minds.  For senior citizens / mature adults.  Learn more and register at seniorsessions.momath.org, or give the gift of math at mathgift.momath.org.

Free Mind-Benders for the Quarantined! (online)
Reaching more than 12,000 people in more than 90 countries, Mind-Benders for the Quarantined! is a runaway hit that engages people all over the world during an unprecedented pandemic.  Each Sunday, MoMath will send you a challenging mathematical puzzle from the collection of its own puzzle master, Dr. Peter Winkler.  On Tuesday, you’ll receive a subtle hint; on Thursday, a serious push; on Saturday, the solution.  And the next day, of course, a new puzzle.  Learn more and register at mindbenders.momath.org.

MathPlay, MoMath’s program for preschoolers (in person)
Led by an experienced MoMath educator, MathPlay offers children the opportunity to play well-developed games that help broaden math skills, improve problem-solving techniques, fine-tune motor coordination, and enhance communication and social skills.  Give your child every chance of success — recent studies have shown that early development of math skills can be a strong predictor of future school achievement.  Learn more and register at mathplay.momath.org.

Student Sessions for grades pre-K through 12 (online)
Ongoing, Mondays through Fridays

Whether your child is already passionate about mathematics or just starting to explore its wonders, MoMath Online: Student Sessions will expose your child to cool areas of mathematics not covered in school and stoke the flames for a lifelong appreciation of mathematics.  Drop-in classes guided by an experienced educator are available every weekday, and registration is always free for families in need.  Learn more and register at studentsessions.momath.org, or give the gift of math at mathgift.momath.org.

Math Discovery for students and their families/caregivers (in person)
Fridays and Saturdays
Don’t miss the chance to join one of MoMath’s specially trained educators in Math Discovery, a series of hands-on classes exploring intriguing math topics.  For students and their families/caregivers.  Limited space available.  Learn more and register at discovery.momath.org.

Derivatives, MoMath’s tour program (in person)
Enjoy a new perspective on MoMath in a small group setting as you stroll through the Museum with an expert tour guide leading the way.  Learn more at derivatives.momath.org.  To request a tour, please email groupsales@momath.org with the subject line “Derivatives Tour.”

Math tutoring (in person/online)
Is your child struggling in math?  We can help!  MoMath is offering limited private tutoring for grades K–12 with certified teachers who have extensive experience successfully teaching students online and in the classroom.  Whether your child needs assistance with homework or exam preparation, MoMath’s instructors are ready to help.  For more information, please email tutoring@momath.org.

Upcoming Events

Student Sessions: “Prime Time(for grades 1–3) (online)
Friday, May 6 at 3:15 pm ET (New York)

Prime numbers are the building blocks of arithmetic, and they show up in all sorts of surprising places.  From strange clocks to many-pointed stars, primes can teach us about number relationships and patterns.  Explore primes while using skip counting to create geometric patterns and learn the origin of these very special numbers!  Learn more and register at studentsessions.momath.org.

Math Discovery: “Shape Shifters” (for grades pre-K–2) (in person)
Friday, May 6 at 4:15 pm ET (New York)
Shapes are all around us and form the basic building blocks of modern life.  Using wooden squares, rectangles, rhombi, trapezoids, and hexagons, discover how shapes are different from each other and how mathematicians identify and name them.  Through games and interactive activities, explore geometrical symmetries and how to construct polygons with many sides, including the tetracontakaihexagon!  For students in grades pre-K through 2 and their families/caregivers.  Learn more and register at discovery.momath.org.

Folding Fridays (online)
Friday, May 6 at 4:30 pm ET (New York)
Adults and children: spend a relaxing hour using your hands and mind to create interesting paper constructions.  This week, fold “Lamb” by Tony O’Hare.  Explore the wonders of paper folding — there’s math in every fold!  Learn more and register at foldingfridays.momath.org.

Math Discovery: “Secrets of Telling Secrets” (for grades 3–6) (in person)
Saturday, May 7 at 4:00 pm ET (New York)
Explore cryptography, secret codes, and ciphers.  Join us for this introduction to the substitution cipher, which hides messages by replacing letters or groups of letters with other letters or groups of letters.  Using patterns and perseverance, learn how to create hidden messages — and how to break secret codes!  For students in grades 3 through 6 and their families/caregivers.  Learn more and register at discovery.momath.org.

Bridge Basics 2: the Play of the Hand, final session of an eight-week course (online)
Sunday, May 8 at 2:00 pm ET (New York)
Join American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) accredited bridge teacher Dr. Susan J. Fishbein in this intellectually stimulating eight-week course.  Bridge Basics 2: the Play of the Hand focuses on the strategies required for successful declarer play at bridge.  The course builds on participants’ knowledge of fundamental bidding practices and applies that knowledge to the winning of contracts through the application of specific playing techniques.  The goal of Bridge Basics 2: the Play of the Hand is to provide students with a well-rounded and complete foundation for enjoying the game independently and confidently and for continued learning in the game of bridge, a game for a lifetime!  Bridge Basics 2: the Play of the Hand is a great follow-up for students who have taken Bridge Basics 1 — or have familiarity with basic bidding procedures and some play of the hand, but are looking to learn and practice strategies required for successful declarer play.  Learn more at bridge2.momath.org.

Student Sessions: “Tangram Teasers(for grades K–3) (online)
Monday, May 9 at 4:00 pm ET (New York)

Exercise your mind and stretch your spatial reasoning while searching for solutions to fun tangram puzzles.  Learn to create specific figures by combining seven polygons.  If you get stuck, try another way!  Discover multiple strategies to solve these classic dissection puzzles.  Learn more and register at studentsessions.momath.org.

Senior Sessions: “Luck, Magic, or Math?” (online)
Tuesday, May 10 at 2:00 pm ET (New York)

At first glance, the occurrence of an “unlikely” event might seem like luck… or magic.  However, when this event occurs over and over, we have to look more closely.  With a bit of math, we will see that some events, which might seem unlikely at first, have a higher probability than intuition would suggest.  Learn how a clever magician can “read the minds” of an unsuspecting audience using a little knowledge of probability!  Learn more and register at seniorsessions.momath.org.

Student Sessions: “Math in the Corner Pocket(for grades 3–6) (online)
Tuesday, May 10 at 3:00 pm ET (New York)

Explore angles and the law of reflection while tracing the path of a billiard ball as it bounces off the walls of a pool table.  Use patterns to discover a simple method to predict in which pocket the ball will land and learn how to prove that your prediction is correct.  Game on!  Learn more and register at studentsessions.momath.org.

Loving Math stories, games, and laughter in a hilariously fun children’s series (online)
Tuesday, May 10 at 4:00 pm ET (New York)

Join master storyteller Steve Sherman for an exciting session designed for kindergartners through third graders.  If your child loves stories, games, and laughter, don’t miss this wild and wacky event!  Learn more and register at loving.momath.org.

Free Math Encounters: “Play Truchet: fun with tiling patterns and generalizations” featuring David Reimann (in person/online)
Wednesday, May 11 at 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm ET (New York)
Simple rules allow us to combine basic objects into incredibly complex patterns or actions.  For example, Truchet tiles can be used to create a broad range of beautiful motifs.  Interestingly, these designs can also be used to encode messages and other information.  Join Albion College mathematician and computer scientist David Reimann as he shares the history and leads some explorations of these fascinating patterns.  Special introduction by Stuart Denman, creator and developer of Tiny Bubbles and grandson of Cyril Stanley Smith, popularizer of Truchet tiles.  Math Encounters is MoMath’s popular free public presentation series celebrating the spectacular world of mathematics, produced with support from the Simons Foundation.  Learn more and register at mathencounters.org.

Student Sessions: “Chessboards and Dominoes(for grades 6–10) (online)
Wednesday, May 11 at 4:15 pm ET (New York)

What shapes can you fit together to cover a chessboard?  Dominoes?  Trominoes?  Learn about mathematical proofs while exploring patterns of odd and even numbers and experimenting with real dominoes and chessboards.  This challenging session is for students who love math and are ready for perplexing puzzles!  Learn more and register at studentsessions.momath.org.

Student Sessions: “Discovering Polyominoes(for grades K–3) (online)
Thursday, May 12 at 3:00 pm ET (New York)

You’ve heard of dominoes, but have you ever heard of trominoes, tetrominoes, or pentominoes?  Discover the many surprising shapes you can create simply by combining single-size squares.  Explore various types of symmetry using these unique objects.  Warning: Solving polyomino puzzles may provide hours of fun!  Learn more and register at studentsessions.momath.org.

Senior Sessions: “Vote Counts: Ranking and Tanking” (online)
Friday, May 13 at 2:00 pm ET (New York)

Voting for a preference may seem simple, but when multiple options exist, the math gets complicated!  The different methods of counting the vote can often result in different winners.  Explore the mathematics behind various vote-counting systems and develop a deeper understanding of what it means for a system to be equitable.  Learn more and register at seniorsessions.momath.org.

Student Sessions: “Points and Shapes(for grades 2–5) (online)
Friday, May 13 at 3:15 pm ET (New York)

Is there an easy way to find the areas of geometric shapes?  The answer lies in the geoboard, a square grid used to explore polygons.  Starting with rectangles and triangles and quickly advancing to polygons of any size and shape, explore this fun and unconventional way to calculate area.  Come discover the curious relationship between interiors and boundaries in shapes you design yourself!  Learn more and register at studentsessions.momath.org.

Math Discovery: “Tessellation Station” (for grades K–2) (in person)
Friday, May 13 at 4:15 pm ET (New York)
From nature to art to architecture, tessellations — or tiling patterns — offer a creative way to understand geometry.  Using the symmetries of polygons, discover surprising and beautiful patterns as you learn about infinite tessellations.  For students in grades K through 2 and their families/caregivers.  Learn more and register at discovery.momath.org.

Folding Fridays (online)
Friday, May 13 at 4:30 pm ET (New York)
Adults and children: spend a relaxing hour using your hands and mind to create interesting paper constructions.  This week, fold “Magic Rose Cube” by Valerie Vann.  Explore the wonders of paper folding — there’s math in every fold!  Learn more and register at foldingfridays.momath.org.

Krazy Kahoot with Steve Sherman (online)
Saturday, May 14 at 3:00 pm ET (New York)

Join MoMath’s favorite math quizmaster Steve Sherman for a fun-filled family game bursting with a wide range of entertaining questions for all ages.  Is your family up for this lively challenge?!  Learn more and register at krazy.momath.org.

Math Discovery: “Möbius Madness” (for grades 3–6) (in person)
Saturday, May 14 at 4:00 pm ET (New York)
Join us to construct fascinating topological objects such as Möbius bands, discovering their fundamental patterns and structures.  Through hands-on activities, uncover the surprising properties hidden around every twist and turn!  For students in grades 3 through 6 and their families/caregivers.  Learn more and register at discovery.momath.org.

Tween Primes, the MoMath book club for tweens and teens: Strange Attractors by Charles Soule (online)
Sunday, May 15 at 5:30 pm ET (New York)
In 1978, Dr. Spencer Brownfield saved New York City from itself, bringing the city back from the verge of collapse and ruin.  And for thirty years, his small, unnoticed adjustments to the city’s systems have kept the city afloat.  Or so he claims to Heller Wilson, a young graduate student that he has chosen as his successor.  Is there truth behind Dr. Brownfield’s claims about The Butterfly Effect and how his “complexity math” applies to the city’s patterns?  Or are they simply the ravings of a man broken by loss and desperate to make sense of the world around him?  Learn more and register at tweenprimes.momath.org.

Unlimited, MoMath’s mix-n-mingle program for students in middle and high school (online)
Sunday, May 15 at 6:30 pm ET (New York)
Middle and high school students, come spend an hour or more with your peers, enjoying interesting mathematical activities, interactive social games, and great music, all led by an experienced MoMath educator.  Learn more and register at unlimited.momath.org.

Senior Sessions: “Möbius Mischief” (online)
Monday, May 16 at 2:00 pm ET (New York)

Participants construct fascinating topological objects such as Möbius bands, discovering their fundamental patterns and structures.  Hands-on activities lead participants to discover the surprising properties hidden in these surfaces!  Learn more and register at seniorsessions.momath.org.

Loving Math stories, games, and laughter in a hilariously fun children’s series (online)
Tuesday, May 17 at 4:00 pm ET (New York)

Join master storyteller Steve Sherman for an exciting session designed for kindergartners through third graders.  If your child loves stories, games, and laughter, don’t miss this wild and wacky event!  Learn more and register at loving.momath.org.

QED: Pitfalls for Parents (online)
Tuesday, May 17 at 7:00 pm ET (New York)

Parents, join Distinguished Visiting Professor Steven Strogatz for an hour of math learning, designed with you in mind.  Starting with the basics, we’ll explore — and learn to leap right over — some of the most common stumbling blocks in K–12 math.  Anything that you or your child ever found confusing is fair game!  This month, Steve is joined by special guest José Luis Vilson.  José is a veteran educator, writer, speaker, and activist in New York City.  He’s a National Board Certified Teacher, a Math for America Master Teacher, and the executive director of EduColor, an organization dedicated to race and social justice issues in education.  Learn more and register at qed.momath.org.

Free Math Gym, a workout for your brain (online)
Wednesday, May 18 at 3:30 pm ET (New York)

Students, spend an hour independently working on engaging and beautiful math problems.  Choose whichever challenges you like and explore them with the guidance and mentorship of an expert mathematician.  If you love to experience the incredible joy of mathematical discovery, you won’t want to miss this enjoyable monthly program.  Learn more and register at workout.momath.org.

Volumes, the MoMath book club: a discussion of The Puzzler: One Man’s Quest to Solve the Most Baffling Puzzles Ever, from Crosswords to Jigsaws to the Meaning of Life by A.J. Jacobs (online)
Wednesday, May 18 at 6:30 pm ET (New York)

Volumes continues!  Join Distinguished Visiting Professor Steven Strogatz, puzzle master Peter Winkler, and author A.J. Jacobs for an online discussion of Jacobs’ The Puzzler: One Man’s Quest to Solve the Most Baffling Puzzles Ever, from Crosswords to Jigsaws to the Meaning of Life.  What makes puzzles — jigsaws, mazes, riddles, sudokus — so satisfying?  Be it the formation of new cerebral pathways, their close link to insight and humor, or their community-building properties, they’re among the fundamental elements that make us human.  Convinced that puzzles have made him a better person, A.J. Jacobs — four-time New York Times bestselling author, master of immersion journalism, and nightly crossworder — set out to determine their myriad benefits.  Chock-full of unforgettable adventures and original examples from around the world, The Puzzler will open readers’ eyes to the power of flexible thinking and concentration.  Learn more and register at volumes.momath.org.

Free-to-members Senior Sessions: “Roping Around the World” (online)
Thursday, May 19 at 2:00 pm ET (New York)

Come test your intuition with a mathematical problem about a rope tied around the Earth.  Explore the counterintuitive solution with an engaging, hands-on activity.  How can we use C=2*pi*r to understand this intriguing problem?  Learn how simple models can help us better understand concepts that defy logic.  Learn more and register at seniorsessions.momath.org.

Ask a Mathematician — Anything! (online)
Thursday, May 19 at 4:00 pm ET (New York)

Ever wanted to ask a mathematician something, maybe about a curious new idea you have, or a concept you’d like to understand better?  Don’t know whom to ask?  Here’s your chance!  MoMath’s 2021–2022 Distinguished Visiting Professor for the Public Dissemination of Mathematics, Steven Strogatz, will host this one-hour, online session.  Learn more and register at askmath.momath.org.

Folding Fridays (online)
Friday, May 20 at 4:30 pm ET (New York)
Adults and children: spend a relaxing hour using your hands and mind to create interesting paper constructions.  This week, fold “Pig” by Eduardo Clemente.  Explore the wonders of paper folding — there’s math in every fold!  Learn more and register at foldingfridays.momath.org.

Free Family Fridays: “Tooti Tooti” with Chaim Goodman-Strauss (in person/online)
Friday, May 20 at 6:30 pm ET (New York)

Create symmetrical tiling patterns using an ordinary envelope in this 2021 Rosenthal Prize–winning activity.  Explore the bigger connection between symmetries and surfaces, all with paper, scissors, and tape, led by mathematician and artist Chaim Goodman-Strauss, who has been involved with math education and outreach for thirty years.  Family Fridays is designed to bring family members of all ages together to enjoy a diverse array of engaging mathematical activities, promoting interest and enthusiasm among kids and adults alike.  Thanks to the generous support of Two Sigma, this program is free to attendees.  Learn more and register at familyfridays.momath.org.

Starring Math — discussion of the film Secrets of the Surface: The Mathematical Vision of Maryam Mirzakhani, hosted by Steven Strogatz (online)
Monday, May 23 at 7:00 pm ET (New York)
Math goes to the movies!  Join Distinguished Visiting Professor Steven Strogatz, filmmaker George Csicsery, math and science writer Erica Klarreich, and math professor Amie Wilkinson for a discussion of Secrets of the Surface: The Mathematical Vision of Maryam MirzakhaniSecrets of the Surface explores the groundbreaking work of Maryam Mirzakhani, whose explorations into some of the furthest reaches of geometry earned her the distinction of being both the first woman and the first Iranian mathematician to win the Fields Medal, the highest honor in the field of mathematics.  Filmed across three nations and featuring an innovative blend of mathematical animation and live documentary footage, the film is sure to enlighten viewers about all sides of someone who has become not only a star of her field but a role model to young thinkers worldwide.  Learn more and register at starring.momath.org.

Senior Sessions: “Vote Counts: Packing and Cracking” (online)
Tuesday, May 24 at 2:00 pm ET (New York)

Get a glimpse into the mathematics of elections by becoming a “legislator” for a day.  Explore how election districts are drawn, including “packing,” “cracking,” and the meaning of wasted votes, in order to analyze the fairness of representation in an election.  Learn more and register at seniorsessions.momath.org.

Loving Math stories, games, and laughter in a hilariously fun children’s series (online)
Tuesday, May 24 at 4:00 pm ET (New York)

Join master storyteller Steve Sherman for an exciting session designed for kindergartners through third graders.  If your child loves stories, games, and laughter, don’t miss this wild and wacky event!  Registration coming soon.  Learn more at loving.momath.org.

Meet a Mathematician featuring Talithia Williams; hosted by Steven Strogatz (online)
Thursday, May 26 at 4:00 pm ET (New York)
Join Steven Strogatz, MoMath’s 2021–2022 Distinguished Visiting Professor for the Public Dissemination of Mathematics, as he brings diverse and talented guests to the MoMath stage to share their experiences, their stories, and their love of mathematics.  In May, meet Talithia Williams.  Talithia is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College and author of the book Power in Numbers: The Rebel Women of Mathematics (Race Point Publishing, 2018).  She was also a host of the six-part PBS series NOVA Wonders in April 2018 and the narrator for the five-part PBS series NOVA Universe Revealed in November 2021.  Learn more and register at meetmath.momath.org.

Educator Workshop: “Pandemic Statistics for Students: Correcting some misconceptions related to COVID-19 and vaccines” (online)
Thursday, May 26 at 6:00 pm ET (New York)
Join us for a stimulating conversation about making connections between the real world and the classroom.  This spring, physics and math educators participated in a three-day workshop on statistics and its relationship to vaccines and testing, hosted by physicist Dr. Allen Mincer from New York University.  The workshop was a collaboration between the National Museum of Mathematics, New York University, and Brookhaven National Laboratory, and featured infectious disease specialist Dr. Sharon Nachman.  Come hear from participating teachers about their experiences and how Dr. Mincer’s and Dr. Nachman’s lectures and feedback helped them prepare classroom lessons with real-world relevance.  Learn more and register at pandemicstatistics.momath.org.

Senior Sessions: “Math in the Corner Pocket” (online)
Friday, May 27 at 2:00 pm ET (New York)

Explore angles and the law of reflection while tracing the path of a billiard ball as it bounces off the walls of a pool table.  Use patterns to discover a simple method to predict in which pocket the ball will land and learn how to prove that your prediction is correct.  Game on!  Learn more and register at seniorsessions.momath.org.

Folding Fridays (online)
Friday, May 27 at 4:30 pm ET (New York)
Adults and children: spend a relaxing hour using your hands and mind to create interesting paper constructions.  This week, fold “Butterfly Envelope” by Michel Grand.  Explore the wonders of paper folding — there’s math in every fold!  Learn more and register at foldingfridays.momath.org.

Equilibrium, an adult evening of mathematical games (online)
Friday, May 27 at 7:00 pm ET (New York)

Prepare a snack, log on from home, and connect with new and interesting people, all while enjoying uniquely mathematical games, hosted by the nation’s only Museum of Math.  Learn more and register at equilibrium.momath.org.

Senior Sessions: “Breaking Codes” (online)
Tuesday, May 31 at 2:00 pm ET (New York)

How do computers keep your passwords secret?  How do websites safeguard your credit card numbers?  Explore multiplicative ciphers, broken codes, and prime numbers, while encoding and decoding your own secret messages.  Learn how cryptography helps protect your private information.  Learn more and register at seniorsessions.momath.org.

Loving Math stories, games, and laughter in a hilariously fun children’s series (online)
Tuesday, May 31 at 4:00 pm ET (New York)

Join master storyteller Steve Sherman for an exciting session designed for kindergartners through third graders.  If your child loves stories, games, and laughter, don’t miss this wild and wacky event!  Registration coming soon.  Learn more at loving.momath.org.

Folding Fridays (online)
Friday, June 3 at 4:30 pm ET (New York)
MoMath continues this runaway hit series, in which learners ages seven through adult create beautiful new models each week.  Every session will be different, and each can stand alone.  Explore the wonders of paper folding — there’s math in every fold!  Learn more and register at foldingfridays.momath.org.

2022 Con Edison MoMathlon middle school math tournament (online)
Monday, June 6 from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm ET (New York)
Celebrate mathematics and team spirit by participating in the MoMathlon middle school math tournament, presented by MoMath!  Budding mathematicians can experience the excitement of competition, teamwork, challenge, and prizes, making friends and memories that will inspire them in high school, college, and beyond.  In this year’s online tournament, schools will come together to share the fun of peer collaboration, enjoy the challenge of outside-the-box thinking, and develop enhanced problem-solving and mathematical skills.  Each round of competition will be followed by a detailed review of the competition problems, presented by a dynamic math educator — so everybody leaves with a deeper understanding.  Schools from all over the world may apply to participate; however, priority will be given to middle schools in New York City, Westchester County, and Long Island.  Schools may register up to two teams.  Registration will open soon!  To learn more, visit momathlon.momath.org.

Loving Math stories, games, and laughter in a hilariously fun children’s series (online)
Tuesday, June 7 at 4:00 pm ET (New York)

Join master storyteller Steve Sherman for an exciting session designed for kindergartners through third graders.  If your child loves stories, games, and laughter, don’t miss this wild and wacky event!  Registration coming soon.  Learn more at loving.momath.org.

Free Math Encounters: “Mission to Mars: human mission challenges and the math that addresses them” featuring Kevin Bowman (in person/online)
Wednesday, June 8 at 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm ET (New York)
For more than half a century, we have sent landers, rovers, and even a drone to Mars.  But what will it take for humans to get there?  Discover the immensity of this quest as you embark on the most epic journey ever undertaken by humans in this presentation led by University of Central Lancashire mathematician Kevin Bowman.  Special introduction by Richard Garriott de Cayeux, video game developer, entrepreneur, and astronaut.  Math Encounters is MoMath’s popular free public presentation series celebrating the spectacular world of mathematics, produced with support from the Simons Foundation.  Learn more and register at mathencounters.org.

Senior Sessions: “Vote Counts: Tower of Power” (online)
Thursday, June 9 at 2:00 pm ET (New York)

Explore the different ways power can be distributed in weighted voting systems.  These systems are those in which different groups have different numbers of votes, such as county delegations, government committees, and even the United States Electoral College.  Should the largest populations have the most power?  Should smaller groups have a voice?  Answering these questions is far more complex than simple majority rule, but modern mathematical analysis provides a useful lens through which to analyze unbalanced voting power.  Learn more and register at seniorsessions.momath.org.

Folding Fridays (online)
Friday, June 10 at 4:30 pm ET (New York)
MoMath continues this runaway hit series, in which learners ages seven through adult create beautiful new models each week.  Every session will be different, and each can stand alone.  Explore the wonders of paper folding — there’s math in every fold!  Learn more and register at foldingfridays.momath.org.

Free Family Fridays: “Tetragami Tower: An evening of creative design” with Peter Hubbard (in person/online)
Friday, June 10 at 6:30 pm ET (New York)
Join retired Seattle teacher Peter Hubbard, creator of Tetragami — a unique paper-folding design system — for an evening of mathematical creativity.  Using specially scored, colorful cardstock, begin building your own Tetragami dodecahedron tower.  Plus, learn how you can work with Tetragami to make basic shapes, rings and things, panda and her Pokémon pals, dragons, fantasy creatures, and much more.  Join MoMath for a fun-filled evening — and discover an exciting new way to create!  Family Fridays is designed to bring family members of all ages together to enjoy a diverse array of engaging mathematical activities, promoting interest and enthusiasm among kids and adults alike.  Thanks to the generous support of Two Sigma, this program is free to attendees.  Learn more and register at familyfridays.momath.org.

Free-to-members Krazy Kahoot with Steve Sherman (online)
Saturday, June 11 at 3:00 pm ET (New York)

Join MoMath’s favorite math quizmaster Steve Sherman for a fun-filled family game bursting with a wide range of entertaining questions for all ages.  Is your family up for this lively challenge?!  Learn more and register at krazy.momath.org.

Senior Sessions: “Math in Art: Tessellations I” (online)
Monday, June 13 at 2:00 pm ET (New York)

Discover the wonderful world of tessellations!  Explore how geometric shapes can completely cover a plane with no gaps or overlaps and discover where tessellations appear: in nature, in ancient Roman mosaics, in Islamic art and architecture, in quilting patterns, and in the works of modern artists such as M.C. Escher.  Join us to build your own tessellations with regular polygons in this first offering in the Math in Art series.  Learn more and register at seniorsessions.momath.org.

Infinite Powers: The story of calculus (in person/online)
Monday, June 13 at 8:00 pm ET (New York)
Everyone has heard of calculus, but why is it so important?  Join MoMath’s Distinguished Visiting Professor for the Public Dissemination of Mathematics, Dr. Steven Strogatz, as he illuminates the fantastic idea at the heart of calculus.  With the help of pictures and stories, he’ll trace where calculus came from and then show how it — in partnership with medicine, philosophy, science, and technology — reshaped the course of civilization and helped make the world modern.  Everyone is welcome to attend, whether you’ve taken calculus or not, and whether you like math or not.  By the end of the evening, you’ll understand how calculus can be viewed as one of the greatest triumphs of human creativity ever.  MoMath is grateful to the Simons Foundation for its support of the Distinguished Visiting Professor program.  Learn more and register at infinitepowers.momath.org.

Loving Math stories, games, and laughter in a hilariously fun children’s series (online)
Tuesday, June 14 at 4:00 pm ET (New York)

Join master storyteller Steve Sherman for an exciting session designed for kindergartners through third graders.  If your child loves stories, games, and laughter, don’t miss this wild and wacky event!  Registration coming soon.  Learn more at loving.momath.org.

QED: Pitfalls for Parents (online)
Tuesday, June 14 at 7:00 pm ET (New York)

Parents, join Distinguished Visiting Professor Steven Strogatz for an hour of math learning, designed with you in mind.  Starting with the basics, we’ll explore — and learn to leap right over — some of the most common stumbling blocks in K–12 math.  Anything that you or your child ever found confusing is fair game!  This month, Steve is joined by special guest Regina Rodgers.  Originally from East Long Island, Regina is a second grade teacher at the Maurice Sendak Community School (PS 118) in Brooklyn, where she specializes in childhood mathematics.  Learn more and register at qed.momath.org.

Probability and Intuition: an exclusive, puzzle-focused dinner event (in person)
Tuesday, June 14 at 7:00 pm ET (New York)
As seen in The New Yorker, puzzle master Peter Winkler hosts another exclusive dinner, in which intriguing puzzles will be served up together with excellent food and fine wine.  Learn more and register at intuition.momath.org.

Free Math Gym, a workout for your brain (online)
Wednesday, June 15 at 3:30 pm ET (New York)

Students, spend an hour independently working on engaging and beautiful math problems.  Choose whichever challenges you like and explore them with the guidance and mentorship of an expert mathematician.  If you love to experience the incredible joy of mathematical discovery, you won’t want to miss this enjoyable monthly program.  Learn more and register at workout.momath.org.

Volumes, the MoMath book club: a discussion of Journey to the Edge of Reason by Stephen Budiansky (online)
Wednesday, June 15 at 6:30 pm ET (New York)

Volumes continues!  Join Distinguished Visiting Professor Steven Strogatz and author Stephen Budiansky for an online discussion of Stephen’s Journey to the Edge of Reason.  Nearly a hundred years after its publication, Kurt Gödel’s famous proof that every mathematical system must contain propositions that are true — yet never provable — continues to unsettle mathematics, philosophy, and computer science.  Stephen Budiansky’s Journey to the Edge of Reason is the first biography to fully draw upon Gödel’s voluminous letters and writings — including a never-before-transcribed shorthand diary of his most intimate thoughts — to explore Gödel’s profound intellectual friendships, his moving relationship with his mother, his troubled yet devoted marriage, and the debilitating bouts of paranoia that ultimately took his life.  It also offers an intimate portrait of the scientific and intellectual circles in prewar Vienna and a haunting account of Gödel’s and Jewish intellectuals’ flight from Austria and Germany at the start of the Second World War.  Learn more and register at volumes.momath.org.

Ask a Mathematician — Anything! (online)
Thursday, June 16 at 4:00 pm ET (New York)

Ever wanted to ask a mathematician something, maybe about a curious new idea you have, or a concept you’d like to understand better?  Don’t know whom to ask?  Here’s your chance!  MoMath’s 2021–2022 Distinguished Visiting Professor for the Public Dissemination of Mathematics, Steven Strogatz, will host this one-hour, online session.  Learn more and register at askmath.momath.org.

Folding Fridays (online)
Friday, June 17 at 4:30 pm ET (New York)
MoMath continues this runaway hit series, in which learners ages seven through adult create beautiful new models each week.  Every session will be different, and each can stand alone.  Explore the wonders of paper folding — there’s math in every fold!  Learn more and register at foldingfridays.momath.org.

Tween Primes, the MoMath book club for tweens and teens: The Complete Book of Holograms: How They Work and How to Make Them by Joseph E. Kasper and Steven A. Feller (online)
Sunday, June 19 at 5:30 pm ET (New York)
For most nonscientists, holograms are an intriguing — if not mesmerizing — mystery.  How are these seemingly magical images created and what makes them appear to be three-dimensional?  This fascinating book not only offers the answers to these and other questions about holography — it even gives step-by-step instructions so that readers can manufacture their own holograms.  Learn more and register at tweenprimes.momath.org.

Unlimited, MoMath’s mix-n-mingle program for students in middle and high school (online)
Sunday, June 19 at 6:30 pm ET (New York)
Middle and high school students, come spend an hour or more with your peers, enjoying interesting mathematical activities, interactive social games, and great music, all led by an experienced MoMath educator.  Learn more and register at unlimited.momath.org.

Members-only Let’s Get Pickled! (online)
Monday, June 20 at 6:00 pm ET (New York)
Come socialize and problem-solve with some original puzzles pickled by Gord!  MathPickle’s founder is collaborating with MoMath on a new series called PuzzleTime.  The puzzles presented are different from most you’ve encountered because, unlike standard puzzles, these puzzles scale to engage beginners and masters alike.  Given ten minutes, we might all be able to solve a 5×5 canvas of Mondrian Art Puzzles or Picasso Line Puzzles, but solutions for larger canvasses become laughably difficult.  We’re all in a pickle!  Learn more and register at gord4members.momath.org.

Loving Math stories, games, and laughter in a hilariously fun children’s series (online)
Tuesday, June 21 at 4:00 pm ET (New York)

Join master storyteller Steve Sherman for an exciting session designed for kindergartners through third graders.  If your child loves stories, games, and laughter, don’t miss this wild and wacky event!  Registration coming soon.  Learn more at loving.momath.org.

Senior Sessions: “Topological Tic-Tac-Toe” (online)
Friday, June 24 at 2:00 pm ET (New York)

The familiar game of tic-tac-toe becomes fun and challenging when played on alternative topological surfaces.  The typical 3×3 game board is enhanced by gluing pairs of opposite edges together in various ways, making for more interesting games and mind-bending playing spaces.  Participants learn to appreciate the ins and outs of these new objects as they develop strategies to master the mathematically enhanced games.  Learn more and register at seniorsessions.momath.org.

Folding Fridays (online)
Friday, June 24 at 4:30 pm ET (New York)
MoMath continues this runaway hit series, in which learners ages seven through adult create beautiful new models each week.  Every session will be different, and each can stand alone.  Explore the wonders of paper folding — there’s math in every fold!  Learn more and register at foldingfridays.momath.org.

Free-to-members Equilibrium, an adult evening of mathematical games (online)
Friday, June 24 at 7:00 pm ET (New York)

Prepare a snack, log on from home, and connect with new and interesting people, all while enjoying uniquely mathematical games, hosted by the nation’s only Museum of Math.  Learn more and register at equilibrium.momath.org.

Transformations 2022, the summer camp at MoMath (in person)
Monday, June 27 through Friday, September 2

Thinking about summer 2022?  So is MoMath!  At Transformations, the summer camp at MoMath, students in grades one through nine will experience the richness of mathematics in America’s only museum dedicated to math.  Through full-body interactive activities, hands-on education sessions, and creative projects, math will come alive for each and every participant.  Learn more and register at summercamp.momath.org.

Senior Sessions: “Cryptarithmetic” (online)
Tuesday, June 28 at 2:00 pm ET (New York)

Arithmetic is fun, but arithmetic with letters is even better!  Using process of elimination and clever logic, we will explore fundamental properties of base-10 arithmetic in a unique and challenging way.  Join us for CRYPT4R1THM3T1C!  Learn more and register at seniorsessions.momath.org.

Loving Math stories, games, and laughter in a hilariously fun children’s series (online)
Tuesday, June 28 at 4:00 pm ET (New York)

Join master storyteller Steve Sherman for an exciting session designed for kindergartners through third graders.  If your child loves stories, games, and laughter, don’t miss this wild and wacky event!  Registration coming soon.  Learn more at loving.momath.org.

Starring Math — discussion of the film Beautiful Young Minds, hosted by Steven Strogatz (online)
Wednesday, June 29 at 7:00 pm ET (New York)
Math goes to the movies!  Join Distinguished Visiting Professor Steven Strogatz to discuss Beautiful Young Minds.  This movie follows the selection process and training for the U.K. team to compete in the 2006 International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) as well as the event itself in Slovenia.  Many of the young mathematicians featured in the film had autism, which the documentary links to mathematical ability.  The team went on to win numerous medals at the IMO, including four silver and one bronze.  Learn more and register at starring.momath.org.

Meet a Mathematician featuring Angela Tabiri; hosted by Steven Strogatz (online)
Thursday, June 30 at 4:00 pm ET (New York)

Join Steven Strogatz, MoMath’s 2021–2022 Distinguished Visiting Professor for the Public Dissemination of Mathematics, as he brings diverse and talented guests to the MoMath stage to share their experiences, their stories, and their love of mathematics.  In June, meet Angela Tabiri.  Angela is an AIMS-Google AI Postdoctoral Fellow at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), located in Ghana.  She is also a Research Associate and Academic Manager for the Girls in Mathematical Sciences Program at AIMS.  Angela’s research interests include noncommutative algebra, quantum groups, and quantum homogeneous spaces.  She founded Femafricmaths, an NGO that promotes African women in mathematics by interviewing them and sharing their stories on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.  The goal is to inspire young women and to show them that studying math opens up diverse career options.  Learn more and register at meetmath.momath.org.

Folding Fridays (online)
Friday, July 1 and July 8 at 4:30 pm ET (New York)

MoMath continues this runaway hit series, in which learners ages seven through adult create beautiful new models each week.  Every session will be different, and each can stand alone.  Explore the wonders of paper folding — there’s math in every fold!  Registration coming soon.  Learn more at foldingfridays.momath.org.

Krazy Kahoot with Steve Sherman (online)
Saturday, July 9 at 3:00 pm ET (New York)

Join MoMath’s favorite math quizmaster Steve Sherman for a fun-filled family game bursting with a wide range of entertaining questions for all ages.  Is your family up for this lively challenge?!  Registration coming soon.  Learn more at krazy.momath.org.

Free Math Encounters: “Error-Correcting Codes: The Mathematics of Communication” featuring Nathan Kaplan (in person/online)
Wednesday, July 13 at 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm ET (New York)
Suppose we are trying to communicate over a “noisy channel.”  There is some probability that the information I send is not the information you receive.  We could communicate more reliably by agreeing to repeat the intended message multiple times, but there is a cost to this repetition.  A major goal in the theory of error-correcting codes is to understand how to efficiently build redundancy into messages so that we can identify and correct errors.  Join mathematician Nathan Kaplan as he introduces us to the ideas that go into the mathematics of communication and shares several neat examples of problems we can solve using ideas from coding theory, including “Hat Problems,” “Twenty Questions with Lies,” and strategies for gambling on soccer matches in Finland.  Math Encounters is MoMath’s popular free public presentation series celebrating the spectacular world of mathematics, produced with support from the Simons Foundation.  Learn more and register at mathencounters.org.

The Rosenthal Prize Summer Institute for educators (application deadline May 15) (in person)
Thursday, July 21 through Saturday, July 23

Are you an educator who believes that curiosity, inquiry, and experiment are essential parts of learning mathematics?  Are you interested in teaching engaging, hands-on lessons that leave middle grade students excited and interested in learning more mathematics?  Are you committed to deepening your understanding and use of innovations in mathematics, instructional practices, and mathematics outreach?  This summer, the National Museum of Mathematics is looking for you!  MoMath will bring together a cohort of educators to take an in-depth look at the mathematical content and pedagogy of Rosenthal Prize lessons and see how the lessons connect to national standards for the learning of mathematics, develop plans to implement these lessons in their local schools, create ideas for new lessons inspired by the goals of the Rosenthal Prize, learn new ways to promote mathematics learning in schools and communities, experience the wonders of the Museum, and see what goes into making interactive math exhibits and programs.  Selected educators will meet in NYC for three days this summer; travel and hotel expenses will be covered!  For more information and to apply, visit rosenthalinstitute.momath.org.

MOVES: “The Fascination of Puzzles” (in person)
Sunday, August 7 through Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The fifth biennial MOVES (The Mathematics of Various Entertaining Subjects) Conference, hosted by MoMath and sponsored by Two Sigma, will feature an amazing lineup of keynote speakers, including Yoshi Anpuku, Scott Kim, Tanya Khovanova, and Peter Winkler.  The conference will take place in person on August 8 and 9, with an opening reception at MoMath on the evening of Sunday, August 7.  Learn more and register at moves.momath.org.

MATRIX x IMAGINARY Conference in Paris (in person)
Wednesday, August 31 through Friday, September 2, 2022
MoMath is pleased to announce that it is joining forces with Institut Henri Poincaré and the IMAGINARY team to bring you MATRIX x IMAGINARY on the future of mathematics engagement.  Mark your calendars now for three days of sharing, networking, and learning as we gather for the fourth biennial MATRIX conference in Paris.  Registration coming soon.  Learn more at matrix.momath.org.

Math on the House mailing list — sign up to be notified when FREE tickets become available
MoMath is pleased to offer Math on the House, a mailing list for valued Museum patrons to receive free, last-minute tickets to select events when spots become available.  To subscribe, visit mathonthehouse.momath.org.

Integrators: The MoMath High School Volunteer Program (in person)
MoMath accepts a limited number of high school students for ongoing volunteer roles during summer vacation and/or the academic year.  The Integrators program offers a unique chance to improve interpersonal and communication skills, explore mathematical concepts, and learn valuable job skills.  MoMath Integrators interact with visitors (on the Museum floor or online) and train with professional educators, interpreters, and managers.  Students who participate during summer vacation commit five days per week, while school-year participants commit approximately one day per week, typically a Saturday or Sunday, from September through June.  Apply now for fall 2022.  Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.  Learn more and apply at volunteers.momath.org.

Volunteer opportunities
MoMath welcomes volunteers who provide valuable support in a variety of individual ways across the Museum, in both public-facing and internal roles.

  • Do you love math and would you like to help others enjoy MoMath’s interactive suite of exhibits — and are you willing to devote two four-hour shifts each month?  Apply to become a volunteer Integrator in the Museum!
  • Can you occasionally assist with MoMath events, demonstrations, birthday parties, and other activities at the Museum?
  • Are you a professional who would like to donate your expertise and time to MoMath?  MoMath welcomes your support, especially if you are an educator, administrator, videographer, or technologist.

To apply, please send an email to volunteer@momath.org with a subject line that includes “Volunteer” and your name.  Include a cover letter, current résumé, and a newly written statement that, in approximately 150 to 500 words, describes an experience that shaped your love of mathematics.

Events, birthday parties, and more
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