Announcing the
2024–2025 MoMathlon middle school math tournaments

Each year, MoMath provides students the opportunity to compete in unique middle school math tournaments.  Budding mathematicians can experience the excitement of competition, teamwork, challenge, and prizes, making friends and memories that will inspire them in high school, college, and beyond.  Teachers who have brought teams before insist on returning year after year.  The opportunity for students to grow mathematically is unsurpassed; the problems are clever, engaging, and challenging; and the atmosphere is exciting for students and teachers alike.

MoMath is seeking a location to host a NYC MoMathlon.   The host school will receive complimentary admission for their team.  The ideal space, such as a school gym or cafeteria, would allow for up to 26 tables accommodating 5 students per table.   Please email for further information.

Tournament Sponsors



Congratulations to the 2024–2025 MoMathlon winners




Check out previous MoMathlon tournament results