Statistics for Citizens
A three-session minicourse
Tuesdays, 6:30 pm – 7:45 pm
January 28
February 4
February 11
As the presidential elections get closer, it becomes more and more important for well-informed citizens to understand how statistics are used — and especially, how they are misused. If you’ve ever wondered what “margin of error” really means, this minicourse, led by visiting mathematician Paul Zeitz, is for you. We’ll start with the basics — no prior math knowledge is assumed — and by the end, you’ll have a very good sense of what terms like normal distribution, standard error, correlation coefficient, and linear regression mean and how to use these ideas to face the inevitable uncertainty about the future with confidence.
If available, tickets at the door for this event will incur an additional charge. New registrants will be expected to review summaries of any missed classes prior to attending the class. Absolutely no refunds or exchanges. All sales are final.