Title I Field Trips
— 2021-2022 Request Form —
MoMath is pleased to provide sponsored field trips — either in person or online — to a limited number of Title I schools. Sponsored Title I trips are held on various pre-determined dates throughout the school year.
If your school receives Title I funding and has not previously visited MoMath, you are encouraged to apply to be considered for the Museum’s Title I program. Field trip days will be arranged on a rolling basis, so please complete the form below as soon as possible to ensure your school has the best chance of being matched with an open date. Selected schools will be notified via email and must respond within one week to confirm their visit.
If your school is not eligible for Title I funding, or if your school has participated in a sponsored Title I trip to MoMath in the past, please visit fieldtrips.momath.org to browse descriptions and pricing for our various field trip packages.
This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.