The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) at MoMath
In 2003, the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation founded the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) to recognize the important role of volunteers in America’s strength and national identity. As a proud Certifying Organization for the PVSA, each year the National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath) recognizes a select few of MoMath’s volunteers for their dedication and exemplary service. Selection criteria include the total number of service and performance standards. Volunteers who receive a PVSA award through MoMath receive a letter of appreciation from the President of the United States, and a certificate.
2023 President’s Volunteer Service Award recipients
A warm salute to MoMath’s 2023 President’s Volunteer Service Award recipients!
Sadat Ahmed, Allison Byrne, Alex Calafiura, Ethan Cha, Shourya Chhabra, Arya Chhabra, Sean Chen, Arjo Guhamazumder, Vladimir Isakov, Sparsh Jain, Krish Kumar, Noah Leubsdorf, Yihan Li, Ivy Lin, Jonas Liu, Lucy Malmud, Ryan Mehta, Alok Mittal, Nathan Onderko, Siddharth Pasari, Arvin Persaud, Jenny Qu, Jasmina Salimova, Jonathan Shavit, Thomas Sidesinger, Marcus Singer, and Alon Wigodsky.

2022 President’s Volunteer Service Award recipients
Congratulations to MoMath’s inaugural 2022 President’s Volunteer Service Award recipients!
Eesha Bhatia (PVSA Gold), Sage Lappas (PVSA Gold), Ella Mohanram (PVSA Gold), Zoe Nadal (PVSA Gold), Rhea Patel (PVSA Silver), Steven Rakhmanchik (PVSA Gold), and Sangkay Tsering (PVSA Gold)

Volunteers interested in the PVSA may email for more information.
To learn more about volunteering at MoMath, visit