ZipStix Instructions

Pentagonal Bipyramid, the convex deltahedron with ten faces

Pieces required: 15 ZipStix and 7 zipties

1. Link five ZipStix together at one end.

2. Link another set of five ZipStix together at one end.

3. Link one free end from each of the two groups created in steps 1 and 2 with two additional ZipStix, for four at the new junction in all. All of the remaining four junctions in the pentagonal bipyramid will have exactly four ZipStix connected at them.

4. Link an adjacent free end from each of the two groups created in steps 1 and 2, one of the new fringe ZipStix created in step 3, and one additional ZipStik.

5. Similarly, link an adjacent free end from each of the two groups created in steps 1 and 2, one of the new fringe ZipStix created in step 4, and one additional ZipStik.

6. One more time: Link an adjacent free end from each of the two groups created in steps 1 and 2, one of the new fringe ZipStix created in step 5, and one additional ZipStik.

7. Link the four remaining free ends together.

8. If the structure looks as it should, pull all of the junctions tight.


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