Corporate/Institutional Funding Levels:
- Prime Donor — $1,001
(the product of three consecutive primes 7 * 11 * 13) - Triangle Supporter — $5,050
(the 100th triangular number 1 + 2 + 3 + … + 99 + 100 that Gauss is said to have calculated as a young child) - Cubic Base — $19,683
(the number three cubed cubed) - Key Factor — $45,360
(the smallest number with 100 different factors) - Prime Sustainer — $102,359
(the smallest prime with six distinct digits) - Functional Partner — $230,631
(the smallest number which requires more than 400 applications of the hailstone function to reach 1) - Factorial Patron — $524,880
(18!!!, the triple factorial of eighteen = 3 * 6 * 9 * 12 * 15 * 18) - Exponential Benefactor — $1,048,576
(2^20, two raised to the twentieth power)
Naming opportunities for galleries and other public spaces commence at $150,000.
Institutional sponsorships and memberships are also available.
Inquiries concerning corporate or institutional donations should be directed to the Museum of Mathematics at