“Math for the Win: doing
better in sports betting using mathematics”
Featuring Dr. Juliette Gorson of FanDuel
Thursday, February 9 at 6:30 pm ET
(in person)
Get ready to tackle Super Bowl Sunday using your knowledge of mathematics and sports to predict the final score! At the center of the football frenzy is FanDuel, a company that allows fans to make their own predictions about each game. How does a company like FanDuel use mathematics to engage fans? How can you use math to gain an advantage in predicting what might happen in a sporting event? Meet and learn from Dr. Juliette Gorson, Senior Data Scientist at FanDuel, who will teach you how to use math to do better in sports betting.
Hosted by Tim Chartier, MoMath’s Distinguished Visiting Professor for the Public Dissemination of Mathematics.