Family Fridays at MoMath
Presented by Two Sigma

Next Up

"Shapes Galore: the
Seven Sorts of Solids"

with Kevin Bowman

Friday, September 13
6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

(in person)

We live in a three-dimensional world dominated by shapes.  Join mathematician Kevin Bowman for a hands-on experience in which you will build a variety of three-dimensional shapes and learn how to look at them through the eyes of a mathematician.  As you encounter the mathematics used, you will discover how shapes can arise from unexpected situations and how they can even be hidden right in plain sight.  And finally, with your newfound knowledge, you will look around and discover that, indeed, there are only seven different sorts of solids.

Family Fridays is designed to bring family members of all ages together to enjoy a diverse array of engaging mathematical activities, promoting interest and enthusiasm among kids and adults alike.

Thanks to the generous support of Two Sigma, this program is free to attendees.

Promotional support provided in part by the New York City Tourism Foundation.

The first 50 families to arrive at Family Fridays on September 13
will receive two free tickets to attend:

Apollo 13: Lucky for Some?
An immersive experience featuring Kevin Bowman.
Sunday, September 15 at 6:30 pm

On April 13, 1970, when the spacecraft Apollo 13 was more than 200,000 miles from Earth, heading towards the Moon, a catastrophic failure occurred.  There followed a chain of events that set off the greatest rescue ever attempted in the history of mankind.  Take a journey back in time as Dr. Kevin Bowman shows us what really happened — and why — in an immersive re-enactment of this historic event.
Learn more.



Here’s what participants have to say:

“I was very impressed at how such a program could be presented that truly worked for all ages!  I, at 68, was as fascinated as the kids.  It was fun watching them grabbing what they could and happily keeping up with the activities.”

“Super excellent for all ages — one of best programs ever (not just Family Fridays — all programs everywhere!)”

“Wow!  It’s the first time we are attending Family Friday series.  We are so impressed!  You guys are amazing!  Thank you!”