
MoMath's online math program for grades 6–12

featuring Chaim Goodman-Strauss

Fall 2024: Geometry minicourse

September 29 through December 22
Sundays, 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm ET



Geometry minicourse | Prerequisites | Registration and Policies



Geometry minicourse

Students, put on your thinking cap and join MoMath’s Outreach Educator, Chaim Goodman-Strauss, online for a geometry minicourse designed to engage and challenge mathematically-talented students in grades 6–12 from around the country.  As a foundational text in geometry and mathematical proof, Euclid’s Elements has withstood the test of time, offering many fun and interesting constructions using a compass and straightedge.  Euclid famously told his king, “There is no royal road to geometry” and, in this sequence of 90-minute classes, together we will set forth, working through highlights of the Elements by Euclid, learning basic constructions, theorems, and proofs, building these up into a proof of the Pythagorean Theorem, and then voyaging beyond.

Sessions will be held on Sundays, from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm ET, on the following dates:

  • September 29
  • October 13
  • October 27
  • November 10
  • November 24
  • December 8
  • December 22

Materials required: a hard copy of Euclid’s Elements, pencils (regular and colored), notebook or paper, bow compass, and straightedge.


Students who have participated in an accelerated or gifted program or have demonstrated strong math skills and knowledge are best suited for success in this program.  There is no admissions process for this program; students may register for the course if they would enjoy a math program that challenges mathematically-precocious students who seek a deeper study of mathematics that what is typically offered in the standard school curriculum.

Registration and Policies

Space is limited, and enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis.  There are no refunds or credits for missed classes or withdrawals, or for any other reason.  The pace of the instruction is designed for an accelerated audience; please note that recordings of the program will not be available for review or purchase.  By registering, parents and students attest that the student meets the prerequisites for this series.

MoMath will make every effort to run classes as scheduled, however, occasionally severe inclement weather or other unusual circumstances beyond MoMath’s control may require that a class be cancelled.  If such a cancellation occurs, MoMath may, at its sole discretion, offer make-up sessions.

Note that the series will run only if a minimum number of participants register before the start date of the first session of the series.  In the rare event that the series is cancelled, registrants will be notified and provided with a full refund.

MoMath does not provide make-up classes for absences.  Each Extensions course accepts a limited enrollment in order to provide individualized attention to each student.  While many reasons may cause a student to miss a class, a registered student holds a reserved seat while others may be turned away due to limited capacity.  Additionally, the Museum provides staffing and other resources based on registration.  For these reasons, the Museum has a strict no-refund and no make-up policy.

All Extensions participants are expected to exhibit good behavior to ensure a positive experience for everyone.  At its sole discretion, MoMath may remove a student from the session or from the entire series for behavioral reasons.  If a student is removed for behavioral reasons, for either the day or the remainder of the program, no refund will be issued.