Online registration is closed for this event. If available, tickets on the day of the event may incur an additional charge.

Celebrate mathematics and team spirit by signing up for the 2016 Manhattan Con Edison MoMathlon, presented by the National Museum of Mathematics with support from the Collegiate School.

The 2016 Manhattan Con Edison MoMathlon will be held on Friday, April 8, 2016 at the Collegiate School.  Collegiate is located at 370 West End Avenue in Manhattan.  For directions to Collegiate, please click here.  Teachers must bring valid identification and check in with their teams upon arrival.  Teams will be allowed to enter the building at 8:30 am; as a courtesy to our host, teams will not be able to enter earlier.

Schools are invited to register five-member teams of students in grades 7 and 8 to compete.  Teachers who have brought teams before insist on returning year after year.  The opportunity for students to grow mathematically is unsurpassed, the problems are clever, engaging, and challenging, and the atmosphere is exciting for students and teachers alike.  Fee waivers are available to schools for which the registration fee would pose a financial hardship.

Each team must be accompanied by a teacher or coach who will proctor a team from another school.  Each student should bring his or her own packed lunch, pencil, and completed photo release form.  Chaperones should bring a packed lunch and, if desired, a snack and water.  Transportation will NOT be provided, so please kindly arrange for your own transportation.

Calculators will not be permitted.

Every student will receive a certificate of participation, and awards will be given to high scoring individuals and teams.

Space permitting, schools may bring a second team ($50 per team).  You must fill out this form separately for each team.  Second teams will not be accepted until all schools have had sufficient opportunity to register one team.  Second teams will be accepted in the order their registration was received until capacity is reached -- schools will be notified shortly before the day of the tournament.

For further information, email

April 8th, 2016 from  8:30 am to  2:00 pm
Collegiate School
370 West End Avenue
New York, NY 10024
United States
Phone: (212) 542-0566
Event Fee(s)
Team participation fee $50.00
Apply for a fee waiver; my school is a Title I school $0.00