Online registration is closed for this event. If available, tickets on the day of the event may incur an additional charge.
Join MoMath Educators for a professional development workshop on June 6.

This program will introduce concepts from graph theory suitable for enrichment activities in 5th through 12th grade math classes. Teachers will be presented with activities that can be used with their students to explore the mathematics behind the study of network graphs. This workshop will include a discussion of the connections between the topics covered and the Common Core Standards.

The following registration page corresponds to the afternoon session from 1 - 4 pm. You may select your preferred session on the subsequent registration page.

Please note that these sessions will only run if there is sufficient interest.

June 6th, 2013 from  1:00 pm to  4:00 pm
Event Fee(s)
Session Fee $40.00
MoMath admission, discounted for session participants
None $0.00
Full-day pass $14.00