Online registration is closed for this event. If available, tickets on the day of the event may incur an additional charge.

Senior Sessions:
"Finding Fibonacci"

Friday, November 5
2:00 pm to 2:45 pm ET (New York)


1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, . . .  The Fibonacci sequence is one of the most famous number patterns in all mathematics.  Join us to solve intriguing puzzles, explore hidden patterns, and discover the fascinating secrets that are concealed within this very special arrangement of numbers.

Materials needed: pencil, paper, and colored pens or markers (2 different colors)

This is a live-streamed event.  Occasional video recordings are made available for a fee at

November 5th, 2021 from  2:00 pm to  2:45 pm
MoMath Online
United States
Event Fee(s)
Reduced rate (while supplies last) $5.00
Donation to support families in need $15.00
Free for families with financial need $0.00