Online registration is closed for this event. If available, tickets on the day of the event may incur an additional charge.

Bridge Basics 2: the Play of the Hand
an eight-week course

Sundays from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm ET (New York)
September 12, 19, 26
October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

Join American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) accredited bridge teacher Dr. Susan J. Fishbein in this new, eight-week course.  Bridge Basics 2: the Play of the Hand focuses on the strategies required for successful declarer play at bridge.  The course builds on participants' knowledge of fundamental bidding practices and applies that knowledge to the winning of contracts through the application of specific playing techniques.  The goal of Bridge Basics 2: the Play of the Hand is to provide students with a well-rounded and complete foundation for enjoying the game independently and confidently and for continued learning in the game of bridge, a game for a lifetime!

Bridge Basics 2: the Play of the Hand is a great follow-up for students who have taken Bridge Basics 1 — or have familiarity with basic bidding procedures and some play of the hand, but are looking to learn and practice strategies required for successful declarer play.

The course registration fee is $240 (for eight two-hour sessions).  Only full course registrations will be allowed, and no refunds, credits, or transfers will be permitted for missed sessions or for any other reason.

Please note the following important information about the program before you register:

  • Students will be required to purchase the ACBL Bridge Series textbook entitled Play of the Hand in the 21st Century, readily available online.
  • Students will also need to keep and refer back to Bidding in the 21st Century, their text from Bridge Basics 1.
  • Each two-hour session will be hosted over Zoom.
  • At each session, the instructor will lead class discussion, provide guided instruction and modeling, and explore exercises from the text during the first hour.  During the second hour, students will be seated by the instructor at virtual bridge tables to play various pre-arranged bridge hands in order to practice the concepts and skills of each session.  The instructor will perform guided supervision, answer questions, and problem solve any bridge hand issues that arise.

Dr. Susan J. Fishbein is an ACBL-accredited bridge teacher, an ACBL-certified online bridge teacher, and an ACBL member.  She is a natural teacher; her career as a high school English teacher and building/district administrator as well as an adjunct professor spanned 40 years.  Beginning in 2016, Susan has regularly taught bridge courses at various places, including libraries, schools, and community centers.

These are online-only events; all registrants will be participating remotely.  Each session will open just before the listed start time.  Occasional video recordings are made available for a fee at

September 12, 2021 2:00 pm to October 31, 2021 4:00 pm
MoMath Online
United States
Event Fee(s)
Course fee ($30/two-hour session) $240.00