Online registration is closed for this event. If available, tickets on the day of the event may incur an additional charge.

Did you know that many modern mathematical tools used in probability and combinatorics, and applied in varied technologies such as those on NASA space missions, originated in problems encountered by linguists and musicians thousands of years ago?  Princeton University Professor and 2014 Fields Medalist Manjul Bhargava looks at some of these ancient, poetic problems — and their remarkable solutions through the ages — to reveal much about the nature of human thought and the origins of mathematics.

Math Encounters is a public presentation series celebrating the spectacular world of mathematics and presented by the Simons Foundation and the National Museum of Mathematics.

For further information, call the National Museum of Mathematics at (212) 542-0566 or e-mail

Please note, this presentation is designed to be accessible and engaging to a general audience. As a rule of thumb, it would be best enjoyed by participants age 12 and up.

Please check our online shop for books by Math Encounters presenters.

March 4th, 2015 from  7:00 pm to  8:30 pm