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Mathemalchemy: "Infinity"

featuring Ingrid Daubechies

Monday, October 9 at 6:30 pm

(in person)

It is easy to start enumerating numbers that go on forever by following a simple rule — mathematicians would call this an infinite sequence.  Examples are 1,2,3,4,5,6,... (where every number is 1 more than the previous one) or 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16,... (where every number is half of the previous one).  In the first of these examples, the individual numbers become larger and larger; in the second they become smaller and smaller.  The sums of the terms in the first example grow even faster than the numbers themselves (1,3,6,10,15,21,...) while in the second example, these sums never even exceed 2 (1, 3/2, 7/4, 15/8, 31/16,...).  This is an example of a converging series, where a sum of infinitely many terms is nevertheless still finite.  In this first session of the series, encounter more fun examples where infinity plays a role, and get a glimpse of different types of infinity.


About Mathemalchemy

Designed and fabricated during the pandemic by a team of 24 mathematical artists and artistic mathematicians, the Mathemalchemy art installation celebrates the fun, beauty, and creativity of mathematics.  It depicts a magical wonderland where critters of all stripes are surrounded by mathematical objects and observe customs interwoven with mathematics.  At present, Mathemalchemy is touring North America; it can also be explored online at  The installation illustrates many different subfields of mathematics, and at many different levels.  Join Distinguished Visiting Professor Ingrid Daubechies and delve a little deeper into several of these, exploring both the mathematical concepts and their visualizations in Mathemalchemy.

October 9th, 2023 from  6:30 pm to  7:30 pm
National Museum of Mathematics
11 E. 26th St.
New York, NY 10010
United States
Phone: 212-542-0566
Event Fee(s)
Event Fee (special pricing)
Math on the House special pricing (limited qty) $0.00
Single session $10.00
Single session plus donation $20.00
Single session for families with financial need (limited qty) $0.00
MoMath member $0.00
MoMath guest $0.00
Credit/Transfer $0.00