Online registration is closed for this event. If available, tickets on the day of the event may incur an additional charge.

MathPlay colorful word

MathPlay for Trapezoids (4s): "Numbers 1 through 10"

Tuesday, November 24 at 3:00 pm ET (New York)

Which cookie has eight chocolate chips?  What number represents the number of cars in the picture?  What number counts the pips on the dice?  How about the cubes in the stack?  And the tally marks?  Students will answer these questions and more as they engage in activities that increase their number sense of the numbers 1 through 10.  As the ducklings in Allyn Fisher's story Five Little Ducks and More bring more and more feathered friends home with them each day, students will help keep count.

Materials needed: activity sheets to be provided (to be printed and cut prior to session) and one marker or pencil.

November 24th, 2020 from  3:00 pm to  3:30 pm
MoMath Online
(Zoom link will be emailed after registration)
United States
Phone: (212) 542-0566
Event Fee(s)
Registration fee (spring special) $25.00
Registration plus $25 donation to support families in need (spring special) $50.00
Fee waived (for families with financial need; max 1 session per family) $0.00