Global Math Week 2020
October 10 through October 16
Daily sessions at 11:30 am ET (New York)
MoMath and the Global Math Project (GMP) are teaming up for the fourth annual Global Math Week. Each day of the week, GMP co-founder Dr. James Tanton will present a lesson on the topic of Exploding Dots! See and experience what millions across the globe regularly call “mind blowing.”
Saturday, October 10
The Five-Card Mind-Reading Trick
Set the scene for deep understanding of place value.
Sunday, October 11
Wild Machines
Focus on base ten and why we humans are drawn to it.
Monday, October 12
Weird English … and Addition and Multiplication
Gain a deep understanding of long addition and multiplication.
Tuesday, October 13
Dots and Tods … and Subtraction
Experience an astonishing way to make sense of long subtraction.
Wednesday, October 14
Mind-Blowing Division
See how long division can be made exceptionally clear.
Thursday, October 15
Fractions as Decimals … and something Irrational
View fractions as decimals and meet the infinite.
Friday, October 16
Going Completely Wild: Base one-and-a-half, and beyond!
Don’t miss the culminating event: Yes, it will be wild!
Registration is free. MoMath is proud to be one of the founding partners of the Global Math Project (, which aims to delight and excite one million people with an interesting piece of mathematics during one special week each year.
This is a live-streamed event. Occasional video recordings are made available for a fee at
Online registration for this event closes 15 minutes after the event has begun. Please be aware if you register in this window, you will join an event that is already in progress and there are no refunds.
(Zoom link will be emailed after registration)
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