Math Encounters — Online:
"I'm Continuously Amazed: The Elegance and Power of Continuity"
with Sam Vandervelde
Wednesday, November 4 at 4:00 pm ET (New York)
For many, the concept of continuity conjures up a technical definition from an early chapter of a calculus textbook. In fact, continuity is an elegant, powerful, and accessible tool that yields all sorts of lovely results. Investigate interesting and sophisticated challenges in an engaging exploration led by mathematician and Head of Proof School Sam Vandervelde.
Special introduction by Alon Amit, Vice President of Product Management, Intuit.
This is a live-streamed event. Occasional video recordings are made available for a fee at
This page is for the 4:00 pm ET (New York) session. Click here to register for the 7:00 pm ET (New York) session instead.
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Math Encounters is MoMath's popular free public presentation series celebrating the spectacular world of mathematics, produced with support from the Simons Foundation.
For further information, call the National Museum of Mathematics at 212-542-0566 or email
Please check our online shop for books by Math Encounters presenters.
(Zoom link will be emailed after registration)
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