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"Clocks, Chords, and Counting: Exploring hidden structures of mathematics through the number 12"

Featuring MOST Fellow Juliana Bukoski

Sunday, December 15
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

(in person + drop-off)


Twelve hours on a clock, twelve inches in a foot, twelve donuts in a dozen — why do we measure so many things in 12s?  Join mathematician Juliana Bukoski, a Fellow from MoMath’s Mathematics Outreach Seminar and Training (MOST) program, as we learn how to count by 12s, investigate the special mathematical properties of 12, and even discover how those properties relate to the music we listen to every day.

MOST Fellow Juliana Bukoski

To learn more about the MOST program, visit

December 15th, 2024 from  6:30 pm to  8:30 pm
225 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
United States
Phone: 212-542-0566
Event Fee(s)
Event fee $15.00
Optional donation
— Donate to support women in math —
$5 donation
$10 donation
$50 donation