“Cube Conundrums” featuring MIT Professor Erik Demaine
What has six sides and eight corners? A cube! You can construct a cube from a flat piece of paper by starting, for example, from a cross shape. But there are other, more unusual shapes, that can also fold into a cube. Join MIT Professor Erik Demaine as he presents some of the more unusual shapes that also fold into a cube, a number of which are devilishly difficult puzzles. Come solve these cube conundrums with us on May 24, in honor of 2 + 4 = 6, in this last edition of The Six Series celebrating MoMath’s sixth birthday.
Some of these cuttings fold to form a cube...
The Six Series is hosted by Fields Medalist and Distinguished Visiting Professor Manjul Bhargava.
New York, NY 10010
United States
Event Ticket | $30.00 |