Recording of Meet a Mathematician with Francis Su

This is a recording of a live-streamed event that took place on Thursday, March 31, 2022.

Appropriate for all ages.

Did you ever wonder what a mathematician does all day?  Or what made someone decide to become a mathematician?  Or even, what a mathematician does for fun?  You may be surprised by some of the answers!  Join Steven Strogatz, MoMath's 2021-2022 Distinguished Visiting Professor for the Public Dissemination of Mathematics, as he brings diverse and talented guests to the MoMath stage to share their experiences, their stories, and their love of mathematics.

In March, meet Francis Su.  Francis Su is the Benediktsson-Karwa Professor of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College.  He studies the application of combinatorics, geometry, and topology to problems in the social sciences, and has received several national awards for distinguished teaching.  He is also the creator of the award-winning Math Fun Facts website and iPhone app, and of a news aggregator for mathematics called MathFeed.

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Pictured: Steven Strogatz (left), Francis Su (right)

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