Recording of Nikoli Puzzle Challenge Contest

This is a recording of a live-streamed event that took place on Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Join MoMath for an evening of puzzles and challenges featuring eight hand-crafted puzzles brought to us by Nikoli.  Yoshi Anpuku will lead a number of exciting competitions, with prizes awarded for top performers in each of the popular puzzle categories introduced during the January 19 event: Sudoku, Kakuro, Shikaku, Slitherlink, Numberlink, Masyu, Nurikabe, and Hashi wo Kakero.  Entrants need not have attended the January 19 event to participate.  Will you be a 2021 MoMath-Nikoli champion?  Join us to find out!

Note that the competition has ended.  Prizes were awarded to the top three contestants in each game category.

Get your own copy of Nikoli's book Japanese Number Puzzles from Additions, the shop at MoMath.

Presentation is in Japanese and English.

This is a live-streamed event.  Occasional video recordings are made available for a fee at

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