Recording of Nikoli's Hand-Crafted Puzzle Workshop

This is a recording of a live-streamed event that took place on Tuesday, January 19, 2021.

Appropriate for all ages.

Join MoMath and Nikoli, the company The New York Times calls "Japan’s Puzzle Palace," for an evening workshop featuring a series of custom-designed puzzles.  With a focus on symmetrical beauty and careful curation, Nikoli has developed more than 250 types of logic puzzles and helped turn its trademarked Sudoku puzzles into a worldwide craze.  Unlike most puzzles on the market, the puzzles in this session are not computer generated or mass produced; rather, 40 years of puzzle-making experience inform and enrich these beautiful, hand-crafted puzzles.  Led by puzzle master Yoshi Anpuku, we will take a tour of eight of Nikoli's most popular puzzles: Sudoku, Kakuro, Shikaku, Slitherlink, Numberlink, Masyu, Nurikabe, and Hashi wo Kakero.

Get your own copy of Nikoli's book Japanese Number Puzzles from Additions, the shop at MoMath.

Presentation is in Japanese and English.

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