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Volumes, the MoMath book club

A discussion of
Genius at Play:
The Curious Mind of John Horton Conway

Hosted by Ingrid Daubechies
with author Siobhan Roberts

Sunday, October 15 at 6:30 pm ET


Love mathematics and books?  Looking for a stimulating and fun discussion?  Volumes, the MoMath book club, is just the thing for you.  This discussion group is designed especially for those interested in mathematics and science and how they affect our lives.  No prior math or science background is necessary.

Join MoMath's Distinguished Visiting Professor Ingrid Daubechies as she welcomes Siobhan Roberts for an engaging conversation about Genius at Play: The Curious Mind of John Horton Conway.

An unabashed original, John Horton Conway is Archimedes, Mick Jagger, Salvador Dali, and Richard Feynman all rolled into one — a singular mathematician with a rock star's charisma, a sly sense of humor, a polymath's promiscuous curiosity, and a burning desire to explain everything about the world to everyone in it.  Born in Liverpool in 1937, Conway found fame as a barefoot Cambridge professor.  He discovered the Conway groups in mathematical symmetry and invented the aptly named surreal numbers as well as the cult classic Game of Life–more than a cool fad, Life demonstrates how simplicity generates complexity, and the game provides an analogy for all mathematics and the entire universe.

Looking for the MoMath book club designed specially for tweens and teens (ages 10–17)?  Check out!

October 15th, 2023 from  6:30 pm to  7:30 pm
MoMath Online
(Zoom link will be emailed after registration)
United States
Phone: (212) 542-0566
Event Fee(s)
Event fee optional $0.00
Event fee $15.00
Event fee plus $15 donation to support families in need $30.00