Online registration is closed for this event. If available, tickets on the day of the event may incur an additional charge.

Starring Math: Sneakers

Hosted by Ingrid Daubechies

With Alex Kontorovich

Thursday, September 21 at 6:30 pm ET



Each month, MoMath’s 2023–2024 Distinguished Visiting Professor Ingrid Daubechies will host an hour of discussion about a film or TV program and its connection to mathematics, either in its content or its creation.  This month, join Ingrid and mathematics professor Alex Kontorovich for an engaging conversation about the film Sneakers, an oldie (1992) but goodie in which cryptography plays a role.  The film features Dan Aykroyd, Ben Kingsley, Mary McDonnell, River Phoenix (it was his last movie), Sydney Poitier, and Robert Redford.

Though viewing the movie is not required for participation, it is suggested that participants stream it independently prior to the event; there are a number of different online platforms where it can be rented for a modest price.

In future months, Starring Math will discuss various episodes of the crime drama Numb3rs television series (2005-2010), in which a Caltech professor uses mathematics to assist his older brother, an FBI agent, in various criminal investigations.  Ingrid will poll Starring Math participants to determine which of the 118 episodes to feature in the next session!  Numb3rs can be streamed online from several sources, without charge.

Though viewing the film is not required for participation, it is suggested that participants stream the show independently prior to the event.

September 21st, 2023 from  6:30 pm to  7:30 pm
MoMath Online
United States
Event Fee(s)
Event fee optional $0.00
Event fee $15.00
Event fee plus $15 donation to support families in need $30.00