Online registration is closed for this event. If available, tickets on the day of the event may incur an additional charge.

Math Encounters:

"The Structure of Space: Measuring the Shape of the Universe" with David Spergel

Wednesday, July 7 at 4:00 pm ET (New York)


Is the universe infinite or finite?  Will it expand forever or collapse in a hot Big Crunch?  And what is its shape?  Join David Spergel, Director of the Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute, as he introduces geometry and topology, the mathematical concepts used to answer these questions.  Learn how observations of the microwave background (the leftover heat from the Big Bang) have revealed the universe’s shape and can help predict its destiny.

Special introduction by Janna Levin, Claire Tow Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Barnard College of Columbia University.

This is a live-streamed event.  Occasional video recordings are made available for a fee at

This page is for the 4:00 pm ET (New York) session.  Click here to register for the 7:00 pm ET (New York) session instead.

By registering for a Math Encounters presentation, you agree that you may be photographed or videotaped by Museum staff and associates.

Math Encounters is MoMath's popular free public presentation series celebrating the spectacular world of mathematics, produced with support from the Simons Foundation.

For further information, call the National Museum of Mathematics at 212-542-0566 or email

Please check our online shop for books by Math Encounters presenters.

July 7th, 2021 from  4:00 pm to  5:30 pm
MoMath Online
(Zoom link will be emailed after registration)
United States
Phone: (212) 542-0566