Online registration is closed for this event. If available, tickets on the day of the event may incur an additional charge.

Pi Day 2021:
Who needs high tea when you can have pi glee?

Sunday, March 14
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm ET (New York)

Pick up your fun Pi Day items — including the ever-popular pizza pi wheel — at MoMath:

Don't forget to set your clocks forward on Sunday, March 14, for the beginning of Daylight Saving Time.

2:00 pm ET (New York): "Probably Pi?"
While it is impossible to write pi in its entirety, various methods exist to generate better and better approximations.  In this crowd-sourced experiment, we see how the law of large numbers lets us confidently approach pi by using probability.  By randomly dropping a needle onto a set of lines, we can converge on pi experimentally, without the need for direct measurement.  Come help us generate data to see how many digits of pi we can get — the more, the mathier!

2:30 pm ET (New York): "What is the value of Pi?"
Throughout history, people have tried to compute the exact value of pi.  Ancient Babylonians believed that pi = 25/8, Egyptians thought that pi = (16/9)^2 = 256/81, while the Indiana state legislature almost passed a bill in 1897 to legislate the value of pi.  We know now that pi cannot be computed exactly; join us as we use geometric constructions to find rational approximations.

To fully participate in both sessions, have the following handy:

  • Pen or pencil
  • Two pages of graph paper
  • Compass (for drawing circles)
  • Ruler

To register for other Pi Day 2021 activities, visit

This is a live-streamed event.  Occasional video recordings are made available for a fee at

March 14th, 2021 from  2:00 pm to  3:00 pm
MoMath Online
(Zoom link will be emailed after registration)
United States
Phone: (212) 542-0566
Event Fee(s)
Free registration (while supplies last) $0.00
Reduced rate (while supplies last) $5.00
Event fee $15.00
Event fee plus $15 donation to support families in need $30.00