Recording of Family Fridays: "Domino Circles"

This is a recording of a live-streamed event that took place on Friday, August 12, 2022.

Appropriate for all ages.

Can you connect all of the dominoes in a set to form a circle, using the usual domino connection rules?  If not, what is the largest circle you can make?  Does it depend on the size of the domino set?  What is the largest number of smaller circles you can make with a single set?  Can you beat your opponent playing the Domino Circle Game?  What does this have to do with math?  Join mathematician Lauren Rose to explore these questions and more.

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August 12, 2022 6:30 pm
United States
Phone: 212-542-0566
Event Fee(s)
Recording fee
Recording fee $15.00
Donate $15 to support families in need $15.00