Review Session for the AMC 8

Hosted by Alex Kontorovich

Thursday, November 7
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm ET


Middle school students interested in pursuing their passion for competition math are invited to join a review session with mathematician Alex Kontorovich, who will lead a “Let's Play” of the AMC 8, showcasing some ideas for success on the exam.

As one of the popular national contests hosted annually by the American Mathematics Competitions (AMC), the AMC 8 is a 25-question, 40-minute, multiple-choice exam for students in grades 8 and below.  Learn how you can develop your problem-solving skills and mathematical knowledge for a strong performance on the AMC 8 using insights from Dr. Kontorovich, an award-winning Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at Rutgers University, Fellow of the American Mathematical Society, and MoMath’s 2020–2021 Distinguished Visiting Professor for the Public Dissemination of Mathematics

Alex Kontorovich


This is an online-only event; all registrants will be participating remotely.  Occasional video recordings are made available for a fee at