Art with Ayliean

Saturday, August 5 at 1:00 pm
Sunday, August 6 at 11:00 am

Two hands-on activity sessions featuring
math expositor, TikTok phenom, and mathematical artist Ayliean MacDonald

Come play with art and math while helping to create two world-premiere, collaborative, time-lapse videos that will be shared globally on social media.


“A Stitch in Time”

Saturday, August 5 at 1:00 pm

(in person)

Learn to sew Hitomezashi stitch patterns, a traditional Japanese form of stitching to mend clothes — now with a mathematical twist!  We’ll use steganography to hide secret messages in our stitched images.


“Toothpick Fractals”

Sunday, August 6 at 11:00 am

(in person)

Roll up your sleeves and work together to build a group-constructed toothpick fractal!  These intricate drawings are algorithmically generated, can be used to model cell growth and spread, and require only two rules — the same two rules that are useful when drawing them.  Come along to create a unique collaborative drawing and learn a little more about the math behind it all.


These sessions will be hosted in person at MoMath (11 East 26th Street, in Manhattan).  The event fee includes the event registration and Museum general admission.  Please make sure that you are eligible for the admission ticket level selected; admission tickets purchased at the door will require an additional fee.  MoMath members may purchase tickets with member pricing by emailing