“Path Puzzles”
with Roderick Kimball
Thursday, July 9, at 6:30 pm EDT (New York)
You enter a room and the door slams behind you. You must find your way to another exit, but the floor is covered with invisible trapdoors! Your only guide is a map with numerical clues that both conceal and reveal a narrow, winding path. Can you find your way out? Join Path Puzzles creator Roderick Kimball for an evening of puzzling exploration.
Roderick Kimball’s puzzles have been featured on NPR’s Ask Me Another and in MoMath Dimensions puzzle hunts, and have appeared in Games World of Puzzles magazine and Reader’s Digest.
To fully participate in this program, you will be asked to print additional handouts, which you will receive via email upon completing your registration.
This event is recommended for adults and children ages 12 and up.

Order your copy of Path Puzzles from Additions — the online shop at MoMath!
This is a live-streamed event. Occasional video recordings are made available for a fee at videos.momath.org.