It’s GeoGebra Day at MoMath!
Saturday, March 30
Don’t miss this one-day opportunity to meet and learn from the creators of GeoGebra! Learn how to use GeoGebra’s free online math tools to build and test your own 3D models or to transform your photo into augmented reality. Enhance the student learning experience with digital tools to explore mathematical concepts in areas such as algebra, precalculus, and trigonometry. Have lunch with researchers, and discuss research ideas related to GeoGebra! Plus, the demo room will be open all day with experts available to show you some of the amazing visualizations and explorations made possible through this powerful program. Sign up for one or more sessions, and help us build a giant GeoGebra-inspired construction at the end of the day!
Register for GeoGebra Day Activities
“For Educators: Using GeoGebra to Create Active & Engaging Learning Environments” with Tim Brzezinski and Steve Phelps
10:00 to 11:30 am
Educators, foster active student discovery in your classroom! Join the experts to learn how you can use GeoGebra to enhance student learning experiences as they explore concepts related to algebra, geometry, precalculus, trigonometry, and even calculus. Don’t miss a unique opportunity to learn about this powerful software tool from the experts. No prior experience is necessary, but be sure to bring your own device — this can be a PC, Mac, Linux, or Chromebook laptop. Even a smartphone will work!
“Digital Sculpting and Games with GeoGebra” with Diego Lieban, Zsolt Lavicza, Chris Brownell, Ho Gul Park, and Kristóf Fenyvesi
10:00 to 11:30 am
Have you ever dreamed of a rotation vase designed based on the shape of your own face? Transform your portrait photo into 3D-printable models with GeoGebra! Additional games developed using GeoGebra will be explored, and GeoGebra experts will help you design your own games, too.
“Lunch with Researchers” with Zsolt Lavicza, Chris Brownell, and Kristóf Fenyvesi
11:30 am to 1:30 pm
Bring a packed lunch and discuss research ideas related to GeoGebra! There will be a presentation about the development of GeoGebra, related research projects, and directions for improvements. Students of all ages interested in mathematical research are welcome.
“Using GeoGebra 3D GC and Augmented Reality to Build, Create, and Test Virtual Models” with Tim Brzezinski and Steve Phelps
12:30 to 2:00 pm
Use GeoGebra Augmented Reality to build and virtually test your own 3D mathematical models. This amazing, easy-to-use platform is not just fun — it can foster tremendous active, engaging, discovery-based learning. Use GeoGebra AR to create, test, and modify mathematical models for real-world objects in ways that have never been possible before. Note: you must have some prior experience with GeoGebra or have attended one of the morning sessions at MoMath to participate in this program. Be sure to bring your own device — this can be a PC, Mac, Linux, or Chromebook laptop. Even a smartphone will work!
“GeoGebra-4Dframe Experience Workshop with Giant Constructions” with Ho Gul Park, Diego Lieban, Zsolt Lavicza, Chris Brownell, and Kristóf Fenyvesi
2:00 to 5:00 pm
Don’t miss the culminating event of the day: join us at 2:00 pm to help construct gigantic 4Dframe structures based on GeoGebra models. Combine your hands-on and digital modeling skills to discover various properties of smaller and bigger structures. How can you harvest water from air with the help of geometry? What are the basics of geodesic dome building? What does the world look like through a large Sierpinski-fractal? These and several other questions will be explored with the help of Experience Workshop’s international team and by the unique combination of 4Dframe and GeoGebra.
GeoGebra Demo Space
10:00 am to 5:00 pm (ongoing)
The demo room will feature a variety of activities, resources, and mathematical inventions connected to GeoGebra and will show the relationship between these implementations and the real world. Activities can be done on participants’ own phones and tablets and will include augmented reality, 3D printing, logic games, art-related designs, and more, including a special selection from the materials collected by the more than 1,200 members of the GeoGebra Arts & STEAM international Facebook group:
From 4:00 to 5:00 pm Haresh Lalvani, artist, designer, and Pratt Institute professor, will introduce his Pentiles tessellating tile system. Join him to explore how GeoGebra can be used to investigate Pentiles’ special geometrical characteristics.