Twitter iPad Contest Winners Selected!

Our #MathIsFun Twitter contest has ended and the best tweets have been chosen! Congratulations to our iPad winner Paul Sikuade of Silver Spring, MD, and to our three runners up: Jeannine A. Epps of Yonkers, NY; Henrietta Walmark of Toronto, Canada; and Chris Johnson of Farmington Hills, MI.

The Winning Tweets

@pelsik: @MoMath1 i love math b/c it is like true love, it has its negatives and positives, but has the potential to be real and infinite #Mathisfun
Paul Sikuade, Silver Spring, MD

@jaeepps: I love mathematics because it brings order to chaos and chaos to order! #MathisFun
Jeanninne A. Epps, Yonkers, NY

@ettagirl: @MoMath1 i love math for its elegant simplicity, rich complexities and the joy and wonder it arouses in me #MathIsFun
Henrietta Walmark, Toronto, Canada

@cgjohnson: #MathIsFun because it is the intersection of beauty and simplicity: ergo an elegant proof
Chris Johnson, Farmington Hills, MI