A six-session minicourse
Tuesdays, 6:30 pm to 8:15 pm
September 17
September 24
October 1
October 15
October 29
November 5
When someone poses a puzzle, is your first instinct to run? Many very intelligent people think they’re bad at puzzle-solving — and always will be. And most of them are wrong. Like many things in life, puzzle-solving is an acquired skill; a bit of experience and a few tips can go a long way! Of course, there’s no set way to solve puzzles; if there were, they would be textbook exercises, not uniquely tricky conundrums. Join Peter Winkler, MoMath’s 2019-2020 Distinguished Visiting Professor for the Public Dissemination of Mathematics, as he helps us discover that each puzzle has its own logic. A world of fun and satisfaction awaits once you find your way in!
Recommended for those who like math but don’t necessarily consider themselves good at solving puzzles; high school students are encouraged. No calculus or college-level math required; basic graph theory, logic, and probability will be introduced as needed to solve puzzles.
A light dinner is included in the fee for this course.