Summations Tours

The great mathematician Karl Gauss once described his publications as “few, but ripe.”  In this spirit, join mathematician Paul Zeitz for a focused tour of the Museum, where the goal is to use selected exhibits to really learn about the mathematics behind them.  Yes, there will be homework!  Weekday afternoon tours can be fit to audiences starting at the middle-school level.

Paul Zeitz is a professor of Mathematics at the University of San Francisco, an International Math Olympiad participant and trainer, co-founder and Board Chairman of Proof School, co-founder of the San Francisco Math Circle, co-founder of the Bay Area Math Olympiad, and author of The Art and Craft of Problem Solving.

Summations tours are arranged by request.  Registration is $18 per student and $25 per adult.  A family rate of $65 for one adult and up to three children is also available.  Registration includes admission to the Museum after 1:00 pm.  All students under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a paying adult.

To request a Summations tour, email