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Future MoMath exhibits available for sponsorship
Allot Like an Egyptian
Try to make every fraction shown using only the unit fraction tiles. Almost all of these have a unique solution — can you find the one that doesn’t?!
Krazy Kart
A steel curve is embedded flush in the floor. The visitor’s mission is to traverse the blue wagon from the start to the finish of the curve. The wagon is locked into the metallic curve by two strong magnets at the end of the red rods, floating just above the curve. Can it be done?
Golden Gauge
Take two sequential Fibonacci numbers and divide the bigger by the smaller. The higher the pair divided, the closer to the golden ratio (1.618033988749…). At 21/13, you’re at 2/1000’s accuracy!
Pet Partitions
Pet Partitions is an exhibit that plays on one of the most historic examples of machine learning — cat/dog facial recognition. Can you fool the neural network? Change your appearance to unpack what the computer is thinking.
Rational Tangles
In this playful arcade game, you control the movements of four “soldiers” standing in a square, holding the ends of two ropes. By repeatedly executing two moves, a clockwise “Twist,” and a clockwise “Rotate,” the soldiers create what may appear to be a hopeless tangle. Can you help them untangle the ropes, not by reversing the moves (not allowed!), but by adding more twists and rotations?
Which Wheel Wins?
A wall of 81 colorful spinners is divided into three “teams” ready to battle each other for numerical dominance. Pull the big lever and see how things play out. If X beats Y and Y beats Z, then surely X beats Z, right?
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Current MoMath exhibits available for sponsorship
Coaster Rollers
Roll over the unusually shaped acorns and have a smooth ride due to their constant diameter.
Dynamic Wall
Enjoy a kinetic showcase as this moving, computer-controlled wall displays a wide variety of wave phenomena, combinatorial algorithms, and more.
Hyper Hyperboloid
Enter the cylindrical chamber and spin in the chair, creating a curved surface made entirely out of straight lines.
Explore the relationship between position, velocity, and acceleration with a full-body movement experience.
Note: sponsorships can be paid over five years.