MoMath Advisory Council


    1. Advisory Council Chair
      Jennifer E. Beineke
      Professor of Mathematics, Western New England University
    1. Dr. Robert Almgren
      Quantitative Brokers and NYU
    1. Prof. Manjul Bhargava
      Brandon Fradd Professor of Mathematics, Princeton University
    1. Prof. Sylvain Cappell
      Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
    1. Dr. Christopher Carlson
      Chief Interactive Graphics Developer, Wolfram Research
    1. Prof. Tim Chartier, Advisory Council Past Chair
      Davidson College
    1. Prof. Sean Cleary
      CUNY Graduate Center (City College of New York)
    1. Henry Cohn
      Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research New England
    1. Minerva Cordero
      University of Texas at Arlington
      Senior Associate Dean, College of Science, and Professor of Mathematics
    1. Ingrid Daubechies
      James B. Duke Professor of Mathematics and Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke University
    1. Andrew Davidson
      President, Andrew Davidson & Co.
    1. Prof. Erik Demaine
      Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    1. Prof. Keith Devlin
      Stanford University
    1. Prof. Gillian Elston
      Hofstra University
    1. Dr. Kenneth Fan
      Director, Girls’ Angle: A Math Club for Girls
    1. Prof. Lisa R. Goldberg
      University of California, Berkeley
    1. Dr. Gary Gordon
      Marshall R. Metzgar Professor Emeritus, Lafayette College
    1. Dr. Carole Greenes
      Associate Vice Provost, Arizona State University
    1. Prof. J. L. Gross
      Columbia University
    1. Prof. Thomas Hagedorn
      College of New Jersey
    1. Dr. Leona Harris
      Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at the American Mathematical Society (AMS)
    1. Art Kalish
      Vice President, Nassau County Interscholastic Math League
    1. Scott Kim
      Independent Puzzle Designer and Author of Inversions
    1. Alex Kontorovich
      Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University
    1. Bryna Kra
      Sarah Rebecca Roland Professor of Mathematics at Northwestern University
    1. Ron Lancaster
      Senior Lecturer, University of Toronto
    1. Kristin Lauter
      Microsoft Research
    1. Philipp Legner
      Founder and CEO of Mathigon
    1. Bushra Makiya
      Math Teacher, The Leadership and Community Service Academy
    1. Mary Ann Mansfield
      Past President, Nassau County Math Teachers Association
    1. Dr. Liz McMahon
      Professor Emeritus, Lafayette College
    1. Dr. Irvin Miller
      Director, Math Physics Explore
    1. Prof. Michael Mitzenmacher
      Harvard University
    1. Prof. Nitsa Movshovitz-Hadar
      Technion – IIT, Emeritus Director of the Israel National Museum of Science and Technology
    1. Prof. Colm Mulcahy
      Spelman College
    1. Brooke Logan Ogrodnik
      Research Scientist, Metron, Inc.
    1. Matt Parker
      Public Engagement in Mathematics Fellow, University of London
    1. Ed Pegg Jr.
    1. Prof. Tony Phillips
      Stony Brook University
    1. Jill Pipher
      Elisha Benjamin Andrews Professor of Mathematics, Brown University
    1. Prof. Bjorn Poonen
      Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    1. Prof. James Propp
      University of Massachusetts, Lowell
    1. Prof. Kenneth A. Ribet
      University of California, Berkeley
    1. Zachary Richards
      Manager of Advanced Analytics, P2 Energy Solutions
    1. Prof. Lauren Rose
      Bard College
    1. Richard Rusczyk
      Founder, Art of Problem Solving Inc.
    1. Dr. Mark Saul
      Director, Center for Mathematical Talent
    1. Grant Sanderson
      Creator of 3Blue1Brown
    1. Prof. Doris Schattschneider
      Moravian College
    1. Edward Schmidt
      Two Sigma Investments / Ventures
    1. Roger M. Stein
      Managing Director, Research and Academic Relations, Moody’s Corporation
    1. Prof. Charles Steinhorn
      Vassar College
    1. Prof. Steven Strogatz
      Cornell University
    1. James Tanton
      Mathematical Association of America
  1. Leon Tatevossian
    NYU Courant / NYU Tandon
    1. Jean E. Taylor
      Professor Emerita, Mathematics, Rutgers University
      Visiting Scholar, UC Berkeley
    1. Prof. Aaron Tenenbein
      New York University
    1. Prof. Tadashi Tokieda
      Stanford University
    1. Dr. Michael Trott
      Wolfram Research
    1. Prof. Moshe Vardi
      Rice University
    1. Dr. Victoria Vysotina
      CEO, V V Strategic Group
    1. Bruce Waldner
      President, New York State Association of Math Supervisors
    1. Dr. Eric Weisstein
      Author, World of Mathematics
    1. Dr. Peter Winkler
      Dartmouth College
  1. Bobson Wong
    Mathematics Teacher, Bayside High School
    Master Teacher, Math for America
  1. Paul Zeitz
    Professor Emeritus, USF
    Chairman of the Board of Directors, Proof School