MoMath Advisory Council
Advisory Council Chair
Jennifer E. BeinekeProfessor of Mathematics, Western New England University
Dr. Robert AlmgrenQuantitative Brokers and NYU
Prof. Manjul BhargavaBrandon Fradd Professor of Mathematics, Princeton University
Prof. Sylvain CappellCourant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Dr. Christopher CarlsonChief Interactive Graphics Developer, Wolfram Research
Prof. Tim Chartier, Advisory Council Past ChairDavidson College
Prof. Sean ClearyCUNY Graduate Center (City College of New York)
Henry CohnPrincipal Researcher, Microsoft Research New England
Minerva CorderoUniversity of Texas at Arlington
Senior Associate Dean, College of Science, and Professor of Mathematics
Ingrid DaubechiesJames B. Duke Professor of Mathematics and Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke University
Andrew DavidsonPresident, Andrew Davidson & Co.
Prof. Erik DemaineMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Prof. Keith DevlinStanford University
Prof. Gillian ElstonHofstra University
Dr. Kenneth FanDirector, Girls’ Angle: A Math Club for Girls
Prof. Lisa R. GoldbergUniversity of California, Berkeley
Dr. Gary GordonMarshall R. Metzgar Professor Emeritus, Lafayette College
Dr. Carole GreenesAssociate Vice Provost, Arizona State University
Prof. J. L. GrossColumbia University
Prof. Thomas HagedornCollege of New Jersey
Dr. Leona HarrisDirector of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at the American Mathematical Society (AMS)
Art KalishVice President, Nassau County Interscholastic Math League
Scott KimIndependent Puzzle Designer and Author of Inversions
Alex KontorovichDepartment of Mathematics, Rutgers University
Bryna KraSarah Rebecca Roland Professor of Mathematics at Northwestern University
Ron LancasterSenior Lecturer, University of Toronto
Kristin LauterMicrosoft Research
Philipp LegnerFounder and CEO of Mathigon
Bushra MakiyaMath Teacher, The Leadership and Community Service Academy
Mary Ann MansfieldPast President, Nassau County Math Teachers Association
Dr. Liz McMahonProfessor Emeritus, Lafayette College
Dr. Irvin MillerDirector, Math Physics Explore
Prof. Michael MitzenmacherHarvard University
Prof. Nitsa Movshovitz-HadarTechnion – IIT, Emeritus Director of the Israel National Museum of Science and Technology
Prof. Colm MulcahySpelman College
Brooke Logan OgrodnikResearch Scientist, Metron, Inc.
Matt ParkerPublic Engagement in Mathematics Fellow, University of London
Ed Pegg Jr.Editor,
Prof. Tony PhillipsStony Brook University
Jill PipherElisha Benjamin Andrews Professor of Mathematics, Brown University
Prof. Bjorn PoonenMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Prof. James ProppUniversity of Massachusetts, Lowell
Prof. Kenneth A. RibetUniversity of California, Berkeley
Zachary RichardsManager of Advanced Analytics, P2 Energy Solutions
Prof. Lauren RoseBard College
Richard RusczykFounder, Art of Problem Solving Inc.
Dr. Mark SaulDirector, Center for Mathematical Talent
Grant SandersonCreator of 3Blue1Brown
Prof. Doris SchattschneiderMoravian College
Edward SchmidtTwo Sigma Investments / Ventures
Roger M. SteinManaging Director, Research and Academic Relations, Moody’s Corporation
Prof. Charles SteinhornVassar College
Prof. Steven StrogatzCornell University
James TantonMathematical Association of America
Leon TatevossianNYU Courant / NYU Tandon
Jean E. TaylorProfessor Emerita, Mathematics, Rutgers University
Visiting Scholar, UC Berkeley
Prof. Aaron TenenbeinNew York University
Prof. Tadashi TokiedaStanford University
Dr. Michael TrottWolfram Research
Prof. Moshe VardiRice University
Dr. Victoria VysotinaCEO, V V Strategic Group
Bruce WaldnerPresident, New York State Association of Math Supervisors
Dr. Eric WeissteinAuthor, World of Mathematics
Dr. Peter WinklerDartmouth College
Bobson WongMathematics Teacher, Bayside High School
Master Teacher, Math for America
Paul ZeitzProfessor Emeritus, USF
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Proof School