2025 MoMath Masters Tournament — Tuesday, February 25 at 6:00 pm (225 Fifth Avenue)

This event has only 200 space(s) left. If you continue and register more than 200 people (including yourself ), the whole group will be wait listed. Or, you can reduce the number of people you are registering to 200 to avoid being put on the waiting list.

2025 MoMath Masters

Tuesday, February 25 at 6:00 pm

(in person)

Register below to attend the 2025 MoMath Masters and show your support for the National Museum of Mathematics.  


Sponsor and Participant Information
Please provide the exact form and spelling of the donor name(s) as it should appear in event signage and the program.

If contributing as an individual, provide your name and contact information below.  If you are registering on behalf of an organization, which you have listed above as the donor, fill out the form below with information about the primary individual (or table host) attending the event. List any administrative contacts below, as needed.

If the sponsor is a company or the attendee listed above is not the person who will handle administration (e.g., the person who will provide the names of your guests), please enter the name, email address, and phone number of the administrative contact below.
Event Fee(s)

Automorphic Sponsor ($109,376)
Includes premium registration for up to ten guests, prominent recognition in the program, signage at the event, and a "behind-the-scenes" tour of the Museum for up to six guests, arranged at your convenience.  $108,876 tax deductible.

Prime Patron ($50,021)
Includes premium registration for up to ten guests, prominent recognition in the program, signage at the event, and a "behind-the-scenes" tour of the Museum for up to four guests, arranged at your convenience.  $49,521 tax deductible.

Elemental Benefactor ($36,100)
Includes premium registration for up to ten guests, recognition in the program, signage at the event, and a "behind-the-scenes" tour of the Museum for up to two guests, arranged at your convenience.  $35,600 tax deductible.

Integral Supporter ($17,290)
Includes registration for up to ten guests, recognition in the program, and signage at the event.  $16,790 tax deductible.

Taxicab Teammate ($1,729)
Includes registration for one guest and recognition in the program.  Limited tickets available.  $1,679 tax deductible.

Can't attend the MoMath Masters this year?  Show your support by making a donation.

Support the 2025 MoMath Masters *
Total for this participant
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Billing Name and Address
Your Registration Info